Retrospect製品ラインの新バージョンである「Retrospect Backup 18」と「Retrospect Virtual 2021」を発表できることをうれしく思います。Retrospectに、事故や悪意のある脅威に対し企業をさらに強化できるように設計された、新しいランサムウェア対策とセキュリティ強化の機能が備わりました。
また、業界で最も柔軟性の高いこのバックアップソリューションには、スムーズな新しい初回起動体験、より詳細なレポート機能、Amazon S3、Google Cloud Storageなどのクラウドデータ保護機能も含まれています。
With Retrospect Backup, businesses around the world can now protect their critical infrastructure on Retrospect Cloud Storage, with complete support for immutable backups and anomaly detection, as well as on-premise with Retrospect’s deep support for NAS devices and tape libraries.
Businesses need to understand not only what is in a backup but what changed between backups. Using anomaly detection and backup comparison, administrators can identify exactly which files changed to signal an anomaly and evaluate their contents to isolate valid ransomware infections.
Many ransomware variants depend on unpatched systems for infiltration. Retrospect Backup now utilizes its extensive footprint to aggregate system information and identify systems that are out of compliance with the latest version of each operating system.
Retrospect Management Console dashboard will be redesigned to better aggregate information for larger environments to address reporting pains in significantly larger backup infrastructure.
Cloud backup is significantly faster with multi-part upload support across the major cloud storage services.
Retrospect will support an additional type of retention where Retrospect extends the period on past backups instead of including that data in new backups.
Retrospect will support blob storage on Microsoft Azure for Government to enhance support for state and local agencies looking for data protection in a US-based high-security data center.
Identity protection is important even for on-premise applications. Retrospect Backup will support configuration encryption and multi-factor authentication (MFA) combined with a password prompt. Even if an attacker gains administrative access to the computer where Retrospect Backup runs, they will not be able to access the program or the configuration files. In addition, Retrospect Management Console supports multi-factor authentication.
Retrospect Backup supports LTO-9 tape libraries for fast data protection to tape storage.
On Retrospect Management Console, administrators will be able to access a full audit log for actions taken by any users on their account.
On Retrospect Management Console, organizations will be able to assign roles to individual users, with "Administrators" able to access any function within the service and "Viewers" able to utilize the extensive reporting capabilities without worrying about changing any settings.
Retrospect Virtual は、Microsoft Office 365 の Teams のデータ保護と、電子メール、Sharepoint、OneDrive をサポートします。
Hyper-V 2022 は、Microsoft の仮想化ソフトウェアの最新バージョンであり、Retrospect Virtual は現在、完全に認定されています。
高速なデータ保護は、物理環境と仮想環境において重要です。 Retrospect Virtual は、バックアップと復元が大幅に高速になりました。
高度なデータ重複排除により、Retrospect Virtual はより小さなストレージ スペースで大量のデータを保護できるようになりました。