What's New in Retrospect – Retrospect Backup 19 + Retrospect Virtual 2022 + Retrospect Cloud Storage

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Protege qualquer número de servidores, computadores de mesa e notebooks Windows, Mac e Linux em rede de um único computador host executando o Retrospect. Suporta dispositivos de armazenamento em disco, nuvem e fita.

  • Versão Premium: O Premium inclui backup de arquivo aberto e hardware diferente.
  • Complementos suportados: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Advanced Tape, Dissimilar Hardware, Email Account.

Clientes Premium Multibanco Premium + 1-ano ASMAMP19R1WC

Clientes ilimitados com vários servidores + 1-ano ASMAMS19R1WC

Atualizar - Clientes Premium Multibanco Premium + 1-ano ASMAMP19U1WC

Atualizar - Clientes ilimitados com vários servidores + 1-ano ASMAMS19U1WC

1-ano ASM - Clientes ilimitados com vários servidoresCMS19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Clientes ilimitados com vários servidoresCMS19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Clientes ilimitados com vários servidoresCMS19R1W3

1-ano ASM - Clientes Premium Multibanco PremiumCMP19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Clientes Premium Multibanco PremiumCMP19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Clientes Premium Multibanco PremiumCMP19R1W3


Single Server Unlimited

Protege um servidor e qualquer número de desktops e notebooks Windows, Mac e Linux em rede de um único computador host executando o Retrospect. Licenças de cliente de servidor adicionais podem ser adquiridas para proteger mais servidores Windows, Mac ou Linux em rede. Suporta dispositivos de armazenamento em disco, nuvem e fita.

  • Versão Premium: O Premium inclui backup de arquivo aberto e hardware diferente.
  • Complementos suportados: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Open File Backup, Dissimilar Hardware, Advanced Tape, Server Client, Email Account.

Clientes Premium de Estação de Trabalho Unlimited de Servidor Único + 1-ano ASMASP19R1WC

Clientes de Estação de Trabalho Ilimitada de Servidor Único + 1-ano ASMASU19R1WC

Atualizar - Clientes Premium de Estação de Trabalho Unlimited de Servidor Único + 1-ano ASMASP19U1WC

Atualizar - Clientes de Estação de Trabalho Ilimitada de Servidor Único + 1-ano ASMASU19U1WC

1-ano ASM - Clientes de Estação de Trabalho Ilimitada de Servidor ÚnicoCSU19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Clientes de Estação de Trabalho Ilimitada de Servidor ÚnicoCSU19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Clientes de Estação de Trabalho Ilimitada de Servidor ÚnicoCSU19R1W3

1-ano ASM - Clientes Premium de Estação de Trabalho Unlimited de Servidor ÚnicoCSP19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Clientes Premium de Estação de Trabalho Unlimited de Servidor ÚnicoCSP19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Clientes Premium de Estação de Trabalho Unlimited de Servidor ÚnicoCSP19R1W3


Single Server 20

Protege um servidor e até 20 desktops e notebooks Windows, Mac e Linux em rede a partir de um único computador host executando o Retrospect. O Cliente do Retrospect e as licenças do cliente de servidor adicionais podem ser adquiridos para proteger mais sistemas. Suporta dispositivos de armazenamento em disco, nuvem e fita.

  • Versão Premium: O Premium inclui backup de arquivo aberto e hardware diferente.
  • Complementos suportados: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Open File Backup, Dissimilar Hardware, Server Client, Workstation Client, Email Account.

Single Server 20 + 1-ano ASMA2P19R1WC

Single Server 20 + 1-ano ASMAS219R1WC

(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)A2P19U1WC

(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AS219U1WC

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W1

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W2

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W3

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W1

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W2

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W3


Single Server 5

Protege um único Windows Server e cinco estações de trabalho usando armazenamento local, em rede e baseado em disco na nuvem.

  • Versão Premium: O Premium inclui backup de arquivo aberto e hardware diferente.
  • Complementos suportados: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Open File Backup, Dissimilar Hardware, Server Client, Workstation Client, Email Account.

Servidor Único 5 Workstation Clients Premium + 1-ano ASMA5P19R1WC

Servidor Único 5 Clientes da Estação de Trabalho + 1-ano ASMAS519R1WC

Atualizar - Servidor Único 5 Workstation Clients Premium + 1-ano ASMA5P19U1WC

Atualizar - Servidor Único 5 Clientes da Estação de Trabalho + 1-ano ASMAS519U1WC

1-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Clientes da Estação de TrabalhoCS519R1W1

2-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Clientes da Estação de TrabalhoCS519R1W2

3-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Clientes da Estação de TrabalhoCS519R1W3

1-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Workstation Clients PremiumC5P19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Workstation Clients PremiumC5P19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Servidor Único 5 Workstation Clients PremiumC5P19R1W3


Protege um único PC Windows sem servidor e até cinco desktops e notebooks adicionais Windows, Mac e Linux.

  • Versão Premium: Premium inclui e-mail ilimitado e hardware diferente.
  • Complementos suportados: Workstation Client, Email Account.

Desktop Premium + 1-ano ASMADP19R1WC

Área de Trabalho + 1-ano ASMADT19R1WC

(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Desktop Premium v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)ADP19U1WC

Atualizar - Área de Trabalho + 1-ano ASMADT19U1WC

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W1

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W2

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W3

1-ano ASM - Área de TrabalhoCDT19R1W1

2-ano ASM - Área de TrabalhoCDT19R1W2

3-ano ASM - Área de TrabalhoCDT19R1W3


Protege um único PC Windows não servidor e todos os discos rígidos.

unicamente + 1-ano ASMASL19R1WC


(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Solo v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)ASL19U1WC

Atualizar - unicamenteASL19U1WN


Essentials Bundle

Protege um único Windows Server que executa o Windows Server Essentials ou o SBS, um único servidor que executa o Microsoft Exchange um único servidor que executa o Microsoft SQL, além de estações de trabalho de desktop e laptop ilimitadas.

  • Complementos suportados: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, Advanced Tape, Dissimilar Hardware, Server Client, Email Account.

Retrospect MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only) w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AEP19R1WC

(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only) w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AEP19U1WC

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W1

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W2

Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W3

To see more details see the comparison table

Good news!

Todas as edições do Retrospect Backup suportam backup em nuvem com mais de vinte provedores de armazenamento em nuvem certificados disponíveis, incluindo Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage e Dropbox.

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Microsoft Exchange

Protects open files on NTFS-formatted volumes on Windows servers, desktops, and laptops. This add-on makes it possible to protect line-of-business applications—such as accounting, CRM, and proprietary database systems—while they’re running, even those with data files spread across multiple volumes. Open File Backup Unlimited add-on extends to all Windows systems protected by your Retrospect host server, including end-user desktops and laptops. Open File Backup Disk-to-Disk Edition add-on covers your Retrospect host server only, for Retrospect Single Server and Desktop.

Agente do Microsoft Exchange Server 2003-2019 (1 servidor) + 1-ano ASM


Microsoft SQL Server

Fornece backups ativos do Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 e 2005. Restaura automaticamente um SQL Server ou bancos de dados individuais para um ponto específico no tempo. Licenciado para uso em um servidor SQL executando o aplicativo Retrospect ou como um Retrospect Client; inclui uma licença do Retrospect Server Client.

Agente do Microsoft SQL Server 2005-2019 (1 servidor) + 1-ano ASM


Open File Backup

Protects open files on NTFS-formatted volumes on Windows servers, desktops, and laptops. This add-on makes it possible to protect line-of-business applications—such as accounting, CRM, and proprietary database systems—while they’re running, even those with data files spread across multiple volumes. Open File Backup Unlimited add-on extends to all Windows systems protected by your Retrospect host server, including end-user desktops and laptops. Open File Backup Disk-to-Disk Edition add-on covers your Retrospect host server only, for Retrospect Single Server and Desktop.

Disco para disco de backup de arquivos abertos + 1-ano ASM


Opção Ilimitada de Backup de Arquivo Aberto + 1-ano ASM


Dissimilar Hardware Restore

Makes it possible to recover an entire boot volume—including the OS, applications, registry, and data—to a different physical computer, such as a newer model or even one from a different manufacturer entirely. Dissimilar Hardware Restore Unlimited add-on extends to all Windows systems protected by your Retrospect host server, including end-user desktops and laptops. Dissimilar Hardware Restore Disk-to-Disk Edition add-on covers your Retrospect host server only, for Retrospect Single Server (Disk-to-Disk) and Desktop.

Restauração de hardware dissimilar de disco para disco + 1-ano ASM


Restauração de Hardware Dissimilar Ilimitada + 1-ano ASM


Advanced Tape

Melhora o tempo de backup utilizando várias unidades de fita em paralelo, incluindo várias unidades independentes, unidades em bibliotecas ou unidades em autocarregadores. O complemento Advanced Tape Support é licenciado por servidor host do Retrospect, não por unidade de fita. Por exemplo, apenas uma licença de complemento do suporte de fita avançada é necessária para uma biblioteca com quatro mecanismos de unidade de fita.

Opção de suporte de fita avançada + 1-ano ASM


Value Pack

O pacote Add-on Value oferece uma opção mais econômica para a compra de complementos do Retrospect. Inclui o Open File Backup Unlimited, o Dissimilar Hardware Restore Unlimited, uma licença para cada Microsoft SQL e Exchange Server Agent e Email Account Unlimited e o Suporte Avançado a Fita.

Pacote de valor adicional + 1-ano ASM


Server Client

Estende o número de servidores em rede que podem ser armazenados em backup usando as edições do Retrospect Single Server. Cada Retrospect Server Client adiciona uma licença para proteger um servidor adicional como um cliente de rede.

Pacote Cliente com 1 Pacote + 1-ano ASM


Workstation Client

Estende o número de desktops e notebooks em rede que podem ser armazenados em backup usando as edições do Retrospect Disk-to-Disk ou Desktop. Disponível em 1, 5 e 10 pacotes de licença de cliente.

Clientes com estação de trabalho 1 pacote + 1-ano ASM


Clientes de estação de trabalho com 5 pacotes + 1-ano ASM


Clientes de estação de trabalho com 10 pacotes + 1-ano ASM


Email Account

Estende o número de contas de email que podem ser copiadas ou migradas. Disponível em 5 pacotes de licença de cliente.

Conta de e-mail com 5 pacotes + 1-ano ASM


Our Happy Clients

Affordable Protection

“It's far less expensive than Veritas or other products we looked at, and it backs up Linux, macOS, and Windows.”

Profile Pic

A Happy Customer

“I had issues with other backup solutions in my environment. Now that I utilize Retrospect, I've been a happy customer.”

Profile Pic

Retrospect Beats Them All

“I have had to work with just about every other product on the market. Retrospect beats them all hands down.”

Profile Pic

Reliable Backup

“It has been a reliable backup solution for our clients for over 15 years.”

Profile Pic

The Best!

“The people who work at Retrospect are the best!”

Profile Pic

Restoration Was a Breeze

“I have had several server crashes, and Retrospect has saved my critical data. Restoration was a breeze. It's an outstanding, easy to use product–well priced for so much functionality.”

Profile Pic

Retrospect Saved Their Job

“We had an architect client who deleted plans for a new museum. Easily 1,000's of man hours invested. Retrospect saved their job.”

Profile Pic

Using Retrospect Every Day

“We are using Retrospect daily and we don't know how many times it saves our jobs.”

Profile Pic

Fast and efficient, unlike Time Machine.

“The last time I used Retrospect to restore data: yesterday. Retrospect did exactly what was expected. Fast and efficient, unlike Time Machine.”

Profile Pic

More than a decade

“I've used Retrospect for more than a decade and never had a file I couldn't restore.”

Profile Pic

The Best Mac Backup

“Best Mac backup that has been evolving for many years.”

Profile Pic

Best Backup Software for Multimedia

“It's the best software for backing up tons of multimedia data files in my company (the biggest media company in Europe).”

Profile Pic

The Best Mac Backup for SMEs

“We have used Retrospect since the early 2000s as it was the best (perhaps at times the ONLY!) Mac server / client solution for SME backup.”

Profile Pic

Saved My Business

“I have been a very satisfied customer for well over a decade. Retrospect is the very BEST in the industry! Literally saved my insurance business on many, many occasions.”

Profile Pic

RAID isn't backup

“A RAID is not a substitute for a backup! RAID 1 success during last decade? About 30%. Retrospect? 100%.”

Profile Pic

The Best Software

“The best software I have found for PC backup and restore!”

Profile Pic

A Fantastic Piece of Software

“A fantastic piece of software we have used and sold for many many years. Easy to use, cross platform backup and synchronisation at a sensible price point.”

Profile Pic

Protecting Irreplaceable Artworks

“Retrospect protects my data (including valuable and irreplaceable artworks) and my work environment, so I can focus on my art.”

Profile Pic

Just Fantastic

“We have been working with Retrospect for years. This product is just fantastic. It integrates perfectly whether it is on the Apple or Windows system.”

Profile Pic

Really Impressed

“We've been using Retrospect Multi-Server for almost a decade and we are really impressed with the latest version.”

Profile Pic

Only Retrospect

“I had tried other programs in the past - but NONE of them work! They do very, very poorly on restore. Only Retrospect has NEVER failed me!!!”

Profile Pic

Perfect Solution for Small Businesses

“The cost was lower than most big brands providing backup solution. The system was highly reliable. Perfect backup solution for small businesses.”

Profile Pic

Great Backup Software

“Built-in smart filters makes it easy to see what clients have backed up and what clients have not backed up. Great backup software for a fraction of the price of their competitors.”

Profile Pic

Fantastic Software

“Selectors for backing up data and restoring data. ProactiveAI. Grooming. Fantastic software with vast features.”

Profile Pic

Reliable, Fast Backups

“Reliable, fast backups without too much complexity. Good balance between features and ease of use.”

Profile Pic

Never Let Me Down Yet!

“You can leave it for months, then come back to it and restore files deleted by office staff months ago - I've done this in anger many times and it's never let me down yet! Best customer support I've ever had.”

Profile Pic

Retrospect Backup Saved Me!

“I've used Retrospect for decades, until recently needed it only for occasional recovery of individual files. Recently I had a catastrophic computer crash, and the Retrospect backup saved me.”

Profile Pic

Compare products and add-ons

Server Protection Icon Server Protection Icon 0


Server Protection Icon 0
Server Protection Icon Server Protection Icon


Server Protection Icon 0
Server Protection Icon

Single Server 5

Server Protection Icon 0
Server Protection Icon

Single Server 20

Server Protection Icon 0
Server Protection Icon

Single Server Unlimited

Server Protection Icon 0
Server Protection Icon

Multi Server

Pre-sales Support
Subscription Edition

From $2
per month

From $7
per month

From $32
per month

From $48
per month

From $73
per month

From $130
per month

Perpetual Edition

From $40

From $139

From $491

From $737

From $1,311

From $2,623

Application OS   Workstation Workstation, Server Workstation, Server Workstation, Server Workstation, Server
Endpoint Protection  

5 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase.


5 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase.


20 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase.


Unlimited licenses included.


Unlimited licenses included.

Server Protection    

1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase.


1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase.


1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase.


Unlimited licenses included.

Management Console
NAS Backup Destination
Cloud Backup Destination
Bare Metal Recovery

Files and Folders

Concurrent Operations







NAS Source Protection  
Cloud Source Protection    
Storage Groups    
Standard Tape Support (Autoloader)  
Advanced Tape Agent (Libraries with Multiple Drives)      

Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium

Open File Backup

Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium

Dissimilar Hardware Restore

Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium


Available for purchase Included with Premium

Email Protection

2 licenses included.Additional 5-pack licenses available for purchase.


2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium.


2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium.


2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium.


2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium.


2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium.

Microsoft Exchange Agent    
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Microsoft SQL Agent    
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
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Contact Sales

Contact our sales team by email at sales@retrospect.com or by phone at +1-925-476-1030 to discuss your environment.