sudo update-rc.d rcl defaults sudo update-rc.d rcl enable
title: "Configuring Retrospect to auto launch on newer Linux systems" created_at: 2017.09.05 updated_at: 2023.01.20 --- For the following supported Linux systems, extra steps may be needed to get the Retrospect 18 client and earlier to auto launch after the system gets rebooted. For version 19 clients we now use a systemctl .service file and the client will automatically auto launch after reboots.
For the following supported Linux systems, extra steps may be needed to get the Retrospect client to auto launch after the system gets rebooted.
From a terminal prompt run the following commands:
sudo update-rc.d rcl defaults sudo update-rc.d rcl enable
From a terminal prompt run the following command:
sudo chkconfig rcl on
These two leverage systemd
to manage services and for the Retrospect client to be able to autolaunch, you will need to create what is call a "Unit" file.
To create a custom Unit file do the following while running as root or using sudo.
Run the following in a terminal prompt:
touch /etc/systemd/system/rcl.service chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/rcl.service
Open the rcl.service file and add the following text.
[Unit] Description=Retrospect Client After=syslog.service
[Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/retrospect/client/rcl start ExecStop=/usr/local/retrospect/client/rcl stop Type=forking Restart=always
Run the following in a terminal prompt:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable rcl.service
If the service is not started, run the following in a terminal prompt:
systemctl start rcl.service
Last Update: 20 de enero de 2023