Retrospect は、100ヵ国を超える国々で、ハッブル望遠鏡位に遠くのデータからお近くの歯医者さん位に近くの幅広いデータをバックアップすることで500,000を超えるご家庭や企業様を保護してきました。停滞していたノートパソコンが犬に寝床から蹴りだされてしまう以前と同じように、19年後には熟練してデータ修復に携わっています。
For 32 years, Retrospect Backup has protected data in more than half a million of homes and businesses around the world.
Retrospect Backup provides complete protection with backup, archive, and duplicate features built-in, flexible scheduling, endpoint protection, cloud backup, block-level incremental backup, email protection, and stellar support.
Retrospect Backup provides complete protection with backup, archive, and duplicate features built-in, flexible scheduling, endpoint protection, cloud backup, block-level incremental backup, email protection, and stellar support.
Retrospect Backup provides complete protection with backup, archive, and duplicate features built-in, flexible scheduling, endpoint protection, cloud backup, block-level incremental backup, email protection, and stellar support.
Retrospect supports more than twenty cloud storage providers, all seamlessly integrated with zero-knowledge security and no lock-in for fast, affordable, offsite protection in your 3-2-1 Backup Rule.
Retrospect supports more than twenty cloud storage providers, all seamlessly integrated with zero-knowledge security and no lock-in for fast, affordable, offsite protection in your 3-2-1 Backup Rule.
Enabling remote backup requires minimal configuration on the server-side network and no changes for the remote employee's network, and it supports proactive scripts–with ProactiveAI–for backup when employees are online and on-demand restore for employees to get files back without assistance.
With ProactiveAI, backup scripts will optimize the backup window for the entire environment to ensure every source is protected as often as possible for an optimal RPO strategy.
With ProactiveAI, backup scripts will optimize the backup window for the entire environment to ensure every source is protected as often as possible for an optimal RPO strategy.
With block level incremental backup (BLIB), you can significantly reduce your backup time and network usage when protecting certain common large files with up to 90% savings in some cases.
Retrospect Virtual enables you to protect your VMware and Hyper-V environments with a single console.
United States
1287 Anvilwood Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089