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Scanning Incomplete error -1013 Malformed Name


title: Scanning Incomplete error -1013 Malformed Name created_at: 2012.02.13 updated_at: 2012.02.13 category: Resources platforms: Windows, Mac ---

  1. Run Scan Disk or CHKDSK on the source volume being accessed when the error happens.

  2. WARNING: Users can force Retrospect to back up a volume reporting the -1013 error during volume scan, but this will prevent all files from being copied.

To continue the scan after the -1013 error is detected:

  • Launch Retrospect

  • Type ctrl-alt-P-P

  • Select Execution on the left side and turn on "Continue after scanning errors".

  • Click OK

  • Quit and launch Retrospect again.

Last Update: February 13, 2012