Schützt eine beliebige Anzahl von vernetzten Desktop-Computern und Notebooks unter Windows, Mac und Linux von einem einzigen Hostcomputer aus, auf dem Retrospect ausgeführt wird Unterstützt Datenträger und Bandspeichergeräte.
Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMAMP19R1WC
4.749 €
Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients + 1-Jahr ASMAMS19R1WC
3.039 €
Upgrade - Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMAMP19U1WC
3.039 €
Upgrade - Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients + 1-Jahr ASMAMS19U1WC
1.994 €
1-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte ClientsCMS19R1W1
712 €
2-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte ClientsCMS19R1W2
1.282 €
3-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte ClientsCMS19R1W3
1.804 €
1-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCMP19R1W1
997 €
2-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCMP19R1W2
1.852 €
3-Jahr ASM - Multi Server unbegrenzte Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCMP19R1W3
2.612 €
Schützt einen Server und eine beliebige Anzahl von vernetzten Desktop-Computern und Notebooks unter Windows, Mac und Linux von einem einzigen Hostcomputer aus, auf dem Retrospect ausgeführt wird Um mehrere vernetzte Windows-, Mac- oder Linux-Server zu schützen, können zusätzliche Server-Client-Lizenzen erworben werden. Unterstützt Datenträger und Bandspeichergeräte.
Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMASP19R1WC
3.039 €
Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients + 1-Jahr ASMASU19R1WC
1.519 €
Upgrade - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMASP19U1WC
1.994 €
Upgrade - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients + 1-Jahr ASMASU19U1WC
1.044 €
1-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation ClientsCSU19R1W1
332 €
2-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation ClientsCSU19R1W2
617 €
3-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation ClientsCSU19R1W3
854 €
1-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCSP19R1W1
712 €
2-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCSP19R1W2
1.282 €
3-Jahr ASM - Single Server unbegrenzte Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreCSP19R1W3
1.804 €
Schützt einen Server und bis zu 20 vernetzte Desktop-Computer und Notebooks unter Windows, Mac und Linux von einem einzigen Hostcomputer aus, auf dem Retrospect ausgeführt wird Um mehrere Systeme zu schützen, können zusätzliche Server-Client-Lizenzen erworben werden. Unterstützt Datenträger und Bandspeichergeräte.
Single Server 20 + 1-Jahr ASMA2P19R1WC
2.279 €
Single Server 20 + 1-Jahr ASMAS219R1WC
854 €
(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)A2P19U1WC
1.519 €
(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AS219U1WC
569 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W1
237 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W2
379 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients v.19 for WindowsCS219R1W3
522 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W1
522 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W2
997 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Single Server 20 Workstation Clients Premium v.19 for WindowsC2P19R1W3
1.329 €
Schützt einen einzelnen Windows-Server und fünf Arbeitsstationen unter Benutzung lokaler, netz- werk- und cloud-gestützter Speichermedien.
Single Server 5 Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMA5P19R1WC
1.044 €
Single Server 5 Workstation Clients + 1-Jahr ASMAS519R1WC
569 €
Upgrade - Single Server 5 Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware Restore + 1-Jahr ASMA5P19U1WC
664 €
Upgrade - Single Server 5 Workstation Clients + 1-Jahr ASMAS519U1WC
379 €
1-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation ClientsCS519R1W1
189 €
2-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation ClientsCS519R1W2
284 €
3-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation ClientsCS519R1W3
427 €
1-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreC5P19R1W1
284 €
2-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreC5P19R1W2
569 €
3-Jahr ASM - Single Server 5 Workstation Clients with Open File and Dissimilar Hardware RestoreC5P19R1W3
807 €
Schützt einen einzelnen Windows-PC, der kein Server ist, und bis zu fünf zusätzliche Desktop-Computer und Notebooks unter Windows, Mac und Linux.
(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade Desktop Premium v.19 for Windows w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)ADP19U1WC
132 €
Upgrade - Desktop + 1-Jahr ASMADT19U1WC
113 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W1
142 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W2
237 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) Desktop Premium v.19 for WindowsCDP19R1W3
332 €
1-Jahr ASM - DesktopCDT19R1W1
94 €
2-Jahr ASM - DesktopCDT19R1W2
189 €
3-Jahr ASM - DesktopCDT19R1W3
284 €
Schützt einen einzelnen Nicht-Server-Windows-PC und alle angeschlossenen Festplatten.
Schützt einen einzelnen Windows Server bei der Ausführung von Windows Server Essentials oder SBS, einen einzelnen Server bei der Ausführung von Microsoft Exchange einen einzelnen Server bei der Ausführung von Microsoft SQL plus unbegrenzte Desktop- und Laptop-Arbeitsplätze.
Retrospect MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only) w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AEP19R1WC
569 €
(UAC) Retrospect Upgrade MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only) w/ 1 Yr Support & Maintenance (ASM)AEP19U1WC
379 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 1 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W1
189 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 2 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W2
379 €
Retrospect Support and Maintenance 3 Yr (ASM) MS Essentials Premium v.19 for Windows (WIN only)CEP19R1W3
522 €
To see more details see the comparison table
Alle Retrospect Backup-Editionen unterstützen Cloud-Backups mit über zwanzig zertifizierten Cloud-Speicheranbietern, darunter Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage und Dropbox.
Schützt geöffnete Dateien auf NTFS-formatierten Volumes auf Windows-Servern, -Desktops und -Laptops. Dieses Add-On ermöglicht den Schutz von Branchenanwendungen wie Buchhaltung, CRM und proprietären Datenbanksystemen, während diese ausgeführt werden, auch von Anwendungen mit Datendateien, die auf mehrere Volumes verteilt sind. Das Open File Backup Unlimited-Add-On gilt für alle Windows-Systeme, die von Ihrem Retrospect-Hostserver geschützt werden, einschließlich Endbenutzer-Desktops und -Laptops. Das Open File Backup-Add-On für Disk-to-Disk-Edition deckt nur Ihren Retrospect-Hostserver für Retrospect Single Server und Desktop ab.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003-2019 Agent (1 server) + 1-Jahr ASM
BEX19R1WC1.139 €
Bietet „Hot Backups“ von Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 und 2005. Stellt einen SQL Server oder einzelne Datenbanken zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt automatisch wieder her. Lizenziert für die Verwendung auf einem SQL-Server mit der Retrospect-Anwendung oder einem Retrospect-Client. Enthält eine Lizenz für Retrospect Server Client.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005-2019 Agent (1 server) + 1-Jahr ASM
BSQ19R1WC1.139 €
Schützt geöffnete Dateien auf NTFS-formatierten Volumes auf Windows-Servern, -Desktops und -Laptops. Dieses Add-On ermöglicht den Schutz von Branchenanwendungen wie Buchhaltung, CRM und proprietären Datenbanksystemen, während diese ausgeführt werden, auch von Anwendungen mit Datendateien, die auf mehrere Volumes verteilt sind. Das Open File Backup Unlimited-Add-On gilt für alle Windows-Systeme, die von Ihrem Retrospect-Hostserver geschützt werden, einschließlich Endbenutzer-Desktops und -Laptops. Das Open File Backup-Add-On für Disk-to-Disk-Edition deckt nur Ihren Retrospect-Hostserver für Retrospect Single Server und Desktop ab.
Open File Backup Disk-to-Disk + 1-Jahr ASM
BOD19R1WC379 €
Open File Backup unbegrenzte Option + 1-Jahr ASM
BOU19R1WC1.139 €
Ermöglicht die Wiederherstellung eines gesamten Startvolumes - einschließlich Betriebssystem, Anwendungen, Registrierung und Daten - auf einem anderen physischen Computer, z. B. einem neueren Modell oder sogar einem von einem anderen Hersteller. Das Unlimited-Add-On für Hardware-Wiederherstellung erstreckt sich auf alle Windows-Systeme, die von Ihrem Retrospect-Hostserver geschützt werden, einschließlich Endbenutzer-Desktops und -Laptops. Das Add-On für die Hardware-Wiederherstellung von Disk-to-Disk Edition deckt nur Ihren Retrospect-Host-Server für Retrospect Single Server (Disk-to-Disk) und Desktop ab.
Dissimilar Hardware Restore Disk-to-Disk and Desktop (Professional) + 1-Jahr ASM
BDD19R1WC379 €
Dissimilar Hardware Restore unbegrenzte + 1-Jahr ASM
BDU19R1WC1.139 €
Reduziert die Backup-Zeit durch die Verwendung mehrerer Bandlaufwerke gleichzeitig, einschließlich mehrerer eigenständiger Laufwerke, Laufwerke in Bibliotheken oder in Autoloadern. Das Add-on „Advanced Tape Support“ ist pro Retrospect-Host-Server und nicht pro Bandlaufwerk lizenziert. So wird für eine Bibliothek mit vier Bandlaufwerksmechanismen nur eine Add-on-Lizenz von „Advanced Tape Support“ benötigt.
Advanced Tape Support Option + 1-Jahr ASM
BAT19R1WC1.139 €
Das Add-on „Value Package“ bietet eine kostengünstigere Option für den Kauf von Retrospect-Add-ons. Es enthält „Open File Backup Unlimited“, „Dissimilar Hardware Restore Unlimited“, jeweils eine Microsoft SQL- und Exchange Server Agent-Lizenz, Email Account Unlimited, und „Advanced Tape Support“.
Add-on Value Package + 1-Jahr ASM
BVP19R1WC3.419 €
Erhöht die Anzahl der vernetzten Server, die mit Retrospect Single Server-Editionen gesichert werden können. Jeder Retrospect Server Client fügt eine Lizenz zum Schutz eines zusätzlichen Servers als Netzwerk-Client hinzu.
Server Client 1-Pack + 1-Jahr ASM
BSC19R1WC379 €
Erhöht die Anzahl der vernetzten Desktop- und Notebook-Computer, die mit Retrospect Disk-to-Disk- oder Desktop-Editionen gesichert werden können. Erhältlich in Lizenzpaketen für 1, 5 und 10 Clients.
Workstation Clients 1-Pack + 1-Jahr ASM
BC119R1WC28 €
Workstation Clients 5-Pack + 1-Jahr ASM
BC519R1WC132 €
Workstation Clients 10-Pack + 1-Jahr ASM
BCX19R1WC246 €
Erhöht die Anzahl der E-Mail-Konten, die abgesichert oder migriert werden können. Erhältlich in Lizenzpaketen für 5 Clients.
Email Account 5-Pack + 1-Jahr ASM
BM519R1WC123 €
“It's far less expensive than Veritas or other products we looked at, and it backs up Linux, macOS, and Windows.”
“I had issues with other backup solutions in my environment. Now that I utilize Retrospect, I've been a happy customer.”
“I have had to work with just about every other product on the market. Retrospect beats them all hands down.”
“It has been a reliable backup solution for our clients for over 15 years.”
“The people who work at Retrospect are the best!”
“I have had several server crashes, and Retrospect has saved my critical data. Restoration was a breeze. It's an outstanding, easy to use product–well priced for so much functionality.”
“We had an architect client who deleted plans for a new museum. Easily 1,000's of man hours invested. Retrospect saved their job.”
“We are using Retrospect daily and we don't know how many times it saves our jobs.”
“The last time I used Retrospect to restore data: yesterday. Retrospect did exactly what was expected. Fast and efficient, unlike Time Machine.”
“I've used Retrospect for more than a decade and never had a file I couldn't restore.”
“Best Mac backup that has been evolving for many years.”
“It's the best software for backing up tons of multimedia data files in my company (the biggest media company in Europe).”
“We have used Retrospect since the early 2000s as it was the best (perhaps at times the ONLY!) Mac server / client solution for SME backup.”
“I have been a very satisfied customer for well over a decade. Retrospect is the very BEST in the industry! Literally saved my insurance business on many, many occasions.”
“A RAID is not a substitute for a backup! RAID 1 success during last decade? About 30%. Retrospect? 100%.”
“The best software I have found for PC backup and restore!”
“A fantastic piece of software we have used and sold for many many years. Easy to use, cross platform backup and synchronisation at a sensible price point.”
“Retrospect protects my data (including valuable and irreplaceable artworks) and my work environment, so I can focus on my art.”
“We have been working with Retrospect for years. This product is just fantastic. It integrates perfectly whether it is on the Apple or Windows system.”
“We've been using Retrospect Multi-Server for almost a decade and we are really impressed with the latest version.”
“I had tried other programs in the past - but NONE of them work! They do very, very poorly on restore. Only Retrospect has NEVER failed me!!!”
“The cost was lower than most big brands providing backup solution. The system was highly reliable. Perfect backup solution for small businesses.”
“Built-in smart filters makes it easy to see what clients have backed up and what clients have not backed up. Great backup software for a fraction of the price of their competitors.”
“Selectors for backing up data and restoring data. ProactiveAI. Grooming. Fantastic software with vast features.”
“Reliable, fast backups without too much complexity. Good balance between features and ease of use.”
“You can leave it for months, then come back to it and restore files deleted by office staff months ago - I've done this in anger many times and it's never let me down yet! Best customer support I've ever had.”
“I've used Retrospect for decades, until recently needed it only for occasional recovery of individual files. Recently I had a catastrophic computer crash, and the Retrospect backup saved me.”
“It saved us from complete data loss.”
“In 12 years, it's restored 100% of the time.”
“Retrospect is ideal for business environments.”
“Retrospect makes even the most massive Mac backups simple.”
“Retrospect for Mac is bursting with backup options.”
“Laser-sharp focus on protecting SMBs.”
Solo |
Desktop |
Single Server 5 |
Single Server 20 |
Single Server Unlimited |
Multi Server |
Pre-sales Support | ||||||
Subscription Edition |
From $2 |
From $7 |
From $32 |
From $48 |
From $73 |
From $130 |
Perpetual Edition |
From $40 |
From $139 |
From $491 |
From $737 |
From $1,311 |
From $2,623 |
Application OS | Workstation | Workstation, Server | Workstation, Server | Workstation, Server | Workstation, Server | |
Features | ||||||
Endpoint Protection |
5 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase. |
5 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase. |
20 licenses included.Additional 1, 5, 10-pack licenses available for purchase. |
Unlimited licenses included. |
Unlimited licenses included. |
Server Protection |
1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase. |
1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase. |
1 license included.Additional licenses available for purchase. |
Unlimited licenses included. |
Management Console |
NAS Backup Destination |
Cloud Backup Destination |
Bare Metal Recovery |
Files and Folders |
Concurrent Operations |
2 |
4 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
NAS Source Protection |
Cloud Source Protection |
Storage Groups |
Addons | ||||||
Standard Tape Support (Autoloader) |
Advanced Tape Agent (Libraries with Multiple Drives) |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Open File Backup |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Dissimilar Hardware Restore |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Available for purchase Included with Premium |
Email Protection |
2 licenses included.Additional 5-pack licenses available for purchase. |
2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium. |
2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium. |
2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium. |
2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium. |
2 licenses included.Additional licenses available for purchase. Unlimited included with Premium. |
Microsoft Exchange Agent |
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Microsoft SQL Agent |
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Available for purchase
Contact our sales team by email at or by phone at +1-925-476-1030 to discuss your environment.