Release Notes
Every Retrospect release includes numerous bug fixes, as we continue to improve the product's stability, performance, and features. Listed below are a number of resolved issues that our customers have encountered. As always, don't hesitate to contact our support team to report an issue or to check on the status of a known issue.
For more information about new features, see What's New.
Windows – 15 September, 2024
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- Script Hooks – 20230816
- FixedStorage Group Backup Transfer aborts when encountering an incomplete backup (#10430)
- FixedUnable to scan certain versions of OneDrive folder (#10420)
- FixedWhen upload to cloud encounters an error, in some cases it should be retried (#10428)
- FixedBackup error -1010 when cloud storage path contains whitespaces (#10434)
- FixedShould exclude file on Windows with the Unpinned attribute only if it is synchronized to cloud (#10439)
- FixedUnable to access S3-compatible clouds using secret key containing the “=” character (#10442)
- FixedCompatibility issues with Scality ARTESCA cloud storage (#10443)
- FixedUnable to import encrypted configs.xml (#10444)
- FixedAssertion failure at "tyce.cpp-XXX", tyceCheckDL
Windows – 12 March, 2024
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- Script Hooks – 20230816
- ImprovedModifying Storage Group properties can take a long time to complete (#10398)
- FixedError -1001 when backing up OneDrive files in some cases (#7539)
- FixedUnable to switch a cloud Backup Set's member to local storage (#10155 / #10400)
- FixedAfter a Dropbox connection error, automatic retry doesn't establish a new connection in some cases (#10389)
- FixedCould not extend the immutable retention period of all past backups in cloud Storage Group (#10422)
- FixedShould report error during Retrospect Client backup of SQL Server if Retrospect Client is running in a Windows account that doesn't have access to the SQL databases (#10407) - See details
- FixedUnable to create Disaster Recovery disc image on French, Spanish and Japanese versions of Windows (#10412)
- FixedScanning incomplete, error -1020 (sharing violation) when using Open File Backup (#10418)
Windows – 18 October, 2023
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- Script Hooks – 20230816
- NewBackup sets no longer created as Storage Groups by default
- NewCan now Forget licenses in License manager
- FixedObject locking retention date is now set during backup set transfer (#10318)
- FixedBackups to Dropbox no longer fail when the connection times out (#10387 / Verify/Restore error) - See details
- FixedStorage Group new member data is now always saved to all sub-sets (#10319)
- FixedNo longer report Unknown Mac error when trying to open offline cloud files (#10349)
- FixedUnwanted Public/Private keys no longer created on startup (#10351)
- FixedStop reporting erroneous files no longer present message during backup (#10374)
- FixedFixed bad line endings in some Script Hooks example files (#10341)
- FixedAuto-updates now show correct update version (#10344)
- FixedFixed wrong password error after re-installing client (#10353)
- NewMac Client: Support for macOS Sonoma (14.0) - Certified September 26, 2023
- ImprovedWindows Client: System tray app now works with high DPI resolutions (#10358)
- FixedWindows Client: Fixed password issue when adding clients that had been re-installed (#10356)
- FixedWindows Client: Fixed issue where public key file was ignored if client already used a password (#10383)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue where clients would go to sleep early in a backup (#6162)
Windows – 11 July, 2023
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- Script Hooks – 20230816
- ImprovedCan now back up OneDrive files in Windows 11 (#10316)
- FixedAfter upgrade, first backup of client source no longer backs up unchanged files (#10300)
- FixedEditing Cloud storage group member no longer results in backups going to root of bucket (#10296)
- FixedRemembered catalog files now display correct size (#10266)
- FixedBackups to Backblaze S3 media sets no longer report misleading HTTP errors (#10304)
- FixedFixed issue with log messages relating to macOS 14 Sonoma (#10329)
- FixedScript Hooks: Fixed line endings on macOS shell scripts (#10341)
- ImprovedLinux Client: Now supports Rocky Linux and other new distributions - See details
- FixedLinux Client: Client installer can now open firewall on all distributions (#10340)
- FixedWindows Client: Can now back up OneDrive files in Windows 11 (#10316)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue with log messages relating to macOS 14 Sonoma (#10329)
Windows – 22 December, 2022
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for Retrospect Cloud Storage
- NewBackup Comparison for Anomaly Detection
- NewOS Compliance Monitoring through Retrospect Management Console
- NewRansomware Protection: Flexible Immutable Retention Periods
- NewCloud Backup: Microsoft Azure for Government
- NewMulti-Factor Authentication Option
- NewConfiguration File Encryption Option
- NewStorage Groups: Subset Rebuild
- NewRecycle Script Option
- NewSuppport for LTO-9 Tapes
- ImprovedImproved Performance for Cloud Backup using Multi-Part Upload
- Improved4+ GB File Support for Cloud Replication
- ImprovedBack up the same local drive with multiple scripts simultaneously
- ImprovedDuplicate/Copy the same local drive with multiple scripts simultaenously
- ImprovedAnomaly Detection enabled by default
- ImprovedStorage Groups: Groom scripts run simultaneously for all subsets
- ImprovedIncrease maximum execution units from 16 to 64
- ImprovedSupport: Export log/operation files with configuration files
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue with Azure Blob Storage for "Failed to read beginning of SSL/TLS record" (#10267)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where new member is incorrectly added during media request (#10138)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with backed up to members marked as lost (#10233)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed support for Backblaze's Default Retention Policy (#9821)
- FixedSubscriptoins: Fixed issue where expiration date not displayed in all cases (#8805)
- FixedRebuild: Fixed performance issue on cloud backup sets (#9214)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where the last successful backup date not stored after recycle (#9245)
- FixedReporting: add "Immutable Until" for all backup reports (#9281)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where policy paused while script being edited (#9860)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where policy stops using all available execution units (#10244)
- FixedBackup: Fixed remaining issues with DST and "error -2249 (could not find session)" (#10246)
- FixedLogging: Better reporting for using cloud storage with default retention date and immutable backups (#9943)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with restore when selecting catalog for storage group rather than subset (#9961)
- FixedCloud Data Protection: Fixed issue where files in subvolume had unexpected modification date (#9963)
- FixedCloud Data Protection: Fixed UI issues with dates (#10004)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed issue with grooming out files based on a selector (#10034)
- FixedCloud Data Protection: Fixed issue duplicating a zero-byte file (#10036)
- FixedNAS Backup: Handle incorrect dates from some NAS volumes to enable matching unchanged files (#10055)
- FixedCloud Data Protection: Fixed issue with restoring certain files to cloud (#10129)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with adding a subset catalog without the main catalog (#10130)
- FixedScheduling: Fixed issue with day-of-the-week scheduling at 9:00am in certain time zones (#10134)
- FixedSQL Backup: Fixed issue where database clients become unlicensed when busy (#10172)
- FixedAnomaly Detection: Fixued issue where lost members can invoke error (#10234)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue with backing up data to sets with lost members (#10235)
- FixedScripts: Fixed issue with "Check Script" when source is a folder (#10245)
- FixedRestore Preflight: Fixed issue with export missing some .rdb file names (#10257)
- FixedImmutable Backups: Fixed issue with transfers from immutable set to local disk set (#10271)
- FixedTransfer Backups: Fixed issue with DST and with recycling source set despite an execution error (#10273)
- FixedEmail Notifications: Fixed issue with Microsoft Office 365 for "Failed to read beginning of SSL/TLS record" (#10267)
- ImprovedMac Client: New "Export Support Logs to Desktop" button in "System Preferences" > "Advanced"
- ImprovedWindows Client: New "Export Support Logs to Desktop" button in "Advanced"
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue with log messages relating to macOS Ventura (#10237)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue where client treated Time Machine snapshots as regular volumes (#10277)
- FixedLinux Client: Resolved issue running client alongside Docker (#7547)
- AlertWindows Client: EOL notice for 32-bit client version - See details
Windows – 22 May, 2022
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedSQL: Updated Authentication Support - See details
- FixedSQL: Fixed issue where database named as file path could not be backed up (#9850)
- FixedSQL: Fixed issue where secondary filegroups were not properly restored when using options to restore to new location or new name (#9792)
- FixedAlibaba Cloud: Fixed issue where using immutable backups with per-object retention generated an error (#9986)
- FixedAlibaba Cloud: Added support for creating bucket with retention policy (#9987)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where ProactiveAI did not alternate between different destinations in Storage Groups (#9995)
- FixedAzure: Fixed issue where rebuild cloud set on Azure shows Immutable Retention date off by time difference from UTC (#9996)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where ProactiveAI activities showing wrong destination name for Storage Group in Windows UI (#10005)
- FixedTape Backup: Fixed media request window where Choices button was missing (#10012)
- FixedTape Rebuild: Fixed "Can't create session, error -2249 (could not find session)" error during catalog rebuild (#10030) - See details
- NewMac Client: Support for macOS Ventura (13.0) - Certified October 24, 2022
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed "./retroclient -setpass newpass" command (#9983)
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed issue where new installations did not prompt for password creation (#10022)
- AlertWindows Client: EOL notice for 32-bit client version - See details
Windows – 22 March, 2022
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedAnomaly Detection: Added detailed logging for anomales
- ImprovedAnomaly Detection: Suppress alerts for rolling synthetic full backups
- FixedImmutable Backups: Clarified immutable retention expiration log message (#9980)
- FixedDaylight Saving Time: Fixed "Trouble matching, error -2249 (could not find session)" error during snapshot transfer (#9981) - See details
- FixedClient Backup: Fixed engine issue where client errors during building snapshot phase stops the entire script (#9968)
- FixedManagement Console: Fixed issue where duplicate scripts had destination mode incorrectly updated (#9964)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where Retrospect did not show internal drives when paths matched a share (#9940)
- FixedScript Hooks: Fixed issue where intervention file was not deleted (#9873)
- FixedTransfer Backup Sets: Fixed issue where "Can't access Backup Set, error -703 (need a user-entered password, but can't ask)" error was shown (#9766)
- FixedSources: Fixed issue where favorite folders on Mac clients did not show up until engine restart (#9681)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where engine crashed in rare instances when Linux client connection unexpectedly died (#9969)
Windows – 15 February, 2022
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewAnomaly Detection - See details
- NewSupport for LTO-9
- NewImmutable Backups: Support for Microsoft Azure Version-Level Locking
- NewImmutable Backups: Bucket Creation Support for Object Lock
- FixedProactiveAI: Clarified error message where ProactiveAI is paused if script is opened for edit (#9860)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where user needs to re-enter encryption password when running Transfer script (#9766)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue where Retrospect did not timeout after remote client disappeared (#9868)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed error -2264 when grooming backups of email account (#9870)
- FixedLogging: Fixed issue where -1010 errors were incorrectly logged for mapped network share (#9912)
- NewLinux Client: Support for intervention file in Script Hooks - See details
Windows – 21 December, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedRebuild: Fixed issue where certain snapshot error during rebuild would stop the rebuild (#6634)
- FixedClients: Fixed issue where re-installed client needed to be removed and then added again (#9014)
- FixedBackup: Fixed "elem.cpp-1107" crash when backing up macOS sources with "Match only files in same location/path" enabled (#9847)
- FixedTransfer: Fixed "arc.cpp-5798" crash during a transfer that started with a recycle (#9851)
- FixedTransfer: Fixed "-2241 (Catalog File invalid/damaged)" error during certain transfers (#9852)
Windows – 16 November, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for Nexsan Unity 7.0 MinIO with Immutable Backups
- FixedDaylight Saving Time: Fixed issue where Retrospect sent too many emails due to time change (#9831)
- FixedDaylight Saving Time: Fixed issue where scripts started one hour early when DST ends (#9830)
- FixedDaylight Saving Time: Fixed issue where engine crashed during media verification due to DST (#9832, #9800)
- FixedBackup Transfer: Fixed engine crash during snapshot transfer due to bad catalog file (#9807)
- FixedLogging: Reduced "Can't copy block level incremental backup file" logging (#9523)
- FixedLogging: Reduced "wait time exceeded" logging (#9806)
- FixedLogging: Fixed "Can't compress Catalog File for Backup Set" logging (#9833)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where rebuild will fail if .rdb files not in expected location (#9560)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed rebuild issue where subsets are removed from different storage group (#9808)
- FixedBackup Report: Fixed issue where certain ProactiveAI backups were linked to the incorrect destination (#9774)
- FixedLTFS: Fixed issue where LTFS tape volumes were not displayed (#9810)
- FixedCloud Storage: Removed incorrect "Trouble deleting files, error -1101 (file/directory not found)" log message (#9778)
- FixedBackup: Improved performance of matching for certain use cases (#9818)
- FixedLicensing: Fixed crash for rare workflow (#9820)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed "Unsupported version" logging issue in macOS Monterrey (#9838)
Windows – 29 September, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for Windows 11
- NewCloud Backup Certification for IBM ICOS
- ImprovedImproved Ransomware Protection with Version-Aware Restore
- ImprovedImproved Dropbox Support with Short-Lived Token Support and Better Security through PKCE - See details
- ImprovedImproved Disaster Recovery - See details
- ImprovedBandwidth Limit Options Support for Cloud Data Protection Support
- FixedBackup Verification: Fixed issue where media verification disabled immutable retention policy (#9762)
- FixedBackup Transfer: Fixed crash when grooming a cloud set in rare cases (#9573)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Fixed bare-metal recovery (BMR) issue where disk erasure warning can display incorrect disks (#6109)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Fixed bare-metal recovery (BMR) restore limitations when source System disk is not disk 0 (#6167)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Retrospect now pauses all scripted and ProactiveAI executions when running in WinPE (#9507)
- FixedRansomware Protection: Fixed log errors when grooming backup set with a retention policy (#9425)
- FixedTape Backup: Fixed crash during catalog rebuild when ejecting tape (#9508)
- FixedAuto-Updates: Fixed issue where automatic upgrades are displayed for more than one version (#9512)
- FixedDropbox: Fixed crash in "graf.cpp-3737" when viewing sessions in a Dropbox set in Spanish (#9519)
- FixedDropbox: Fixed issue for creating backup set in certain scenarios (#9502)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed "Available space" under Summary to be user-assigned free space instead of total volume free space (#9574)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where disconnected external drives would generate failed activities (#9575)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed crash when source check threads hang (#9684)
- FixedNAS Backup: Fixed issue where cancelling the password prompt for a network share does not stop execution (#9586)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where Retrospect failed when using File > Open for set catalog (#9639)
- FixedAzure: Fixed rare crash when Retrospect fails to connect to Azure (#9736)
- FixedCloud Data Protection: Fixed "Trouble deleting files, error -1021 (data overflowed expected amount)" error when duplicating to a Google Cloud bucket (#9758)
- NewMac Client: Support for macOS Monterey
Windows – 24 June, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for Windows Server 2022
- ImprovedRetrospect Management Console Integration with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where failed activities would appear for disconnected data sources with -530 errors (#9486)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed rare crash for grooming with versioned cloud buckets (#9493)
Windows – 17 June, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewMicrosoft Azure Support
- NewSupport for Windows 10 May 2021 Update
- ImprovedScalable Data Protection - Extended Backup Set Size Limit from 1PB to 1EB
- ImprovedCloud Data Protection: Support for subpaths
- ImprovedCloud Data Protection: Clarified support for Backblaze B2 in dropdown
- ImprovedCloud Backup: Clarified support for clouds and added icons in dropdown
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue with on-demand backup and restore for certain clients (#9432)
- FixedLicensing: Fixed issue where backup to an external hard drive was not possible for certain licenses (#9444)
- FixedLicensing: Significantly improved license loading for large number of licenses (#8835)
- FixedTape Backup: Fixed crash when adding members to a set (#9338)
- FixedConfiguration Management: Fixed configs.xml issue where cloud data sources were not imported (#9389)
- FixedConfiguration Management: Fixed issue where rules were not importing correctly (#9473)
- FixedNAS Support: Fixed issue where duplicating to a NAS with Solo license generated incorrect error (#9433)
- FixedConcurrent Executions: Fixed issue where the number of execution units could not be reduced (#9435)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where ProactiveAI could not back up from cloud data sources (#9437)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue when creating a backup set from the wizard (#9438)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed rare crash (ex_trigcon.cpp-1696) for concurrenct polling with ProactiveAI (#9450)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where error showed "Unable to create bucket" instead of "Access denied" (#9451)
- FixedImmutable Backup: Fixed issue where catalog rebuild did not preserve the immutable retention policy (#9452)
- FixedBackup: Fixed rare crash (tstring.cpp-2385) when backup set is unavailable (#9457)
- FixedRestore: Fixed issue where Find Files restore for multiple files results in only 1 file (#9458)
- FixedConcurrent Executions: Fixed issue where execution units were reset to 2 for certain licenses (#9459)
Windows – 25 May, 2021
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewRansomware Protection with Immutable Backups
- NewSecurity Reporting with Geo Tracking
- NewImproved First Launch Experience
- NewCloud Data Protection
- NewCloud-Native Deployment
- NewCloud Data Protection and Cloud Backup Support for Microsoft Azure - Preview Available - Contact Sales
- NewSupport for Windows 10 October 2020 Update
- NewSupport for Windows Server 2022 Preview
- ImprovedDashboard: Add link to Retrospect Management Console
- ImprovedStorage Groups: Enable "Storage Groups" by default
- ImprovedBackup Report: Default to "Performance" for more detail
- ImprovedFiltering: Add "User Files and Settings" selector for improved user selection of critical files
- ImprovedSecurity: Public/private keypair generation performance dramatically improved
- ImprovedFiltering: Excluded more types from compression selector
- FixedConfiguration: Fix engine launch delay and crash after rebuilding from configs.xml (#9217)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where engine reports -1115 disk full error instead of displaying a media request (#9239)
- FixedBackup: Fixed rare crash during backup due to memory overrun (#9277)
- FixedBackup: Removed backup of "Removable Storage Manager" for Windows 8 and later (#8967)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue exporting multiple snapshots at once (#9361)
- FixedFiltering: Updated "Documents and Settings" special folder condition for selectors to newer Windows OSs (#7561)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where Use at most value is reset after a catalog rebuild (#9195)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed "Error -1101 (file/directory not found) can't access catalog file" error from certain workflows (#8381)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where grooming preference not carried over to new backup sources (#8664)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with ProactiveAI attempting to write to unavailable destination (#8789)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed rare issue where backups were stored in wrong location (#9231)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed rebuild issue with 3+ members (#9292)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue on MinIO for creating storage groups (#9373)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where spanning set to multiple members (#9294)
- FixedExchange: Changed error for VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE to fatal for backups (#9036)
- FixedNAS: Fixe issue where Retrospect loses credentials for shares after relaunch (#9105)
- FixedLocalization: Fixed issue where Retrospect didn't use SetLanguage= in C:\ProgramData\Retrospect\retro.ini (#9176)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where backups stuck due to slow source response (#9244)
- FixedRebuild: Fixed issue where process can fail to finish (#9256)
- FixedDuplicate: Fixed issue where process can overwrite destination even if newer than source (#9260)
- ImprovedMac Clients: Hide system support macOS volumes
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed issue where create date metadata is getting set to default start date for files copied from Linux client (#9317)
Windows – 09 December, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedTransfer Snapshots: Fixed issue where transfer snapshots did not include all snapshots for "The most recent snapshot for each source selected" option (#9146)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Fixed issue where Windows system error for RestoreESPData resulted in incomplete DR recovery (#9135) - See details
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed rare crash for cloud uploads (#9082)
- FixedWindows Clients: Fixed issue where certain restores to Windows 7 resulted in "File appears incomplete" errors (#9134)
- FixedLinux Clients: Fixed issue where the client ignored certain mount points (#8985)
Windows – 07 October, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue that prevented simultaneous operations to storage groups (#8893)
Windows – 23 September, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewCloud Certifications: Amazon S3 Virtual-Host Style paths - See details
- NewCloud Certifications: Alibaba Cloud
- NewCloud Certifications: Backblaze B2's S3 API
- NewCloud Certifications: Webair
- FixedGrooming: Fixed issue where grooming fails under certain scenarios (#8700)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed issue with SQL backup and grooming (#8713)
- FixedTransfer Backup: Fixed issue where transfer snapshot with multiple sources did not properly close set after use (#8737)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where backups could run even when script is inactive (#8739)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where backing up to a storage group while transferring results in -843 error (#8821)
- FixedShares: Fixed issue where Retrospect crashed on share registry keys that contain a nested key with the same name (#8785)
- NewApple macOS Big Sur Support
- NewApple Silicon/M1 Support (using Rosetta)
- FixedRestore-on-Demand: Fixed issue where restoring to a different folder changes its permissions (#8603)
Windows – 13 May, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewWindows 10 May 2020 Update certification (Added June 2)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where grooming a storage group can fail (#8674)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where rebuilding a storage group can fail to delete previous catalog (#8672)
- NewWindows Client: Windows 10 May 2020 Update certification (Added June 2)
Windows – 01 May, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedRemote Backup: Support for Administrator-Initiated Restore
- ImprovedRemote Backup: Support for Duplicate/Copy scripts
- ImprovedRemote Backup: Support for Scheduled Backups in addition to ProactiveAI Backups
- ImprovedRestore Preflight: Include "First RBD" and "Last RDB" (#8486)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with rebuild for storage group not at the root of a drive (#8581)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed "error -1 (unknown)" error for grooming certain storage groups (#8623)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with media requests on certain backups (#8574)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with "Use At Most" being incorrect for certain backups (#8593)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where "LmGet: ndex = 0 < 1" appears in logs when exporting Backup Report (#8648)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where Backup Set Transfer to storage group failed to report error that catalog file not be found (#8414)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where skip to new member failed if source hadn't been backed up before (#8506)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where grooming did not list correct set name in logging (#8575)
- FixedStorage Groups: For grooming, show correct activity name (#8650)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where the incorrect path is used for backup sets and storage groups in rare cases (#8480)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where large destinations sporadically caused incorrect media requests (#8632)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where multiple scripts with the same source would hang the discovery process (#8624)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where dialog appeared for clients not found on network (#8547)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed memory leak during polling (#8635)
- FixedRestore Preflight: Localized "Export" button (#8590)
- FixedSubscriptions: Fixed issue where expiration date was not updated correctly for certain engines (#8475) - See details
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue where link encryption prevented backup (#8395)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue with not logging out clients after ProactiveAI backup (#7967)
- FixedLicense Manager: Fixed issue where new application license is rejected (#8474)
- FixedLicense Manager: Fixed issue where user could enter multiple licenses (#4663)
- FixedBackup-on-Demand: Storage Groups now supported (#8510)
- FixedBackup-on-Demand: Cloud sets now supported (#8511)
- FixedClient Update: Fixed issue where updating client manually caused client to need re-installation (#8530)
- FixedNAS Shares: Fixed issue on EMC Isilon where symlink backup generated "Error -1010 (API Request Bad)" (#8244)
- FixedNAS Shares: Fixed hang while browsing share with incorrect permissions (#8597)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Fixed issue with bare-metal restore where error was not shown after executiion failure (#8533)
- FixedInstall Retrospect: Updated icon to red for Dark Mode support (#8559)
- FixedInstall Retrospect: On upgrade, rename and preserve existing configuration file (#8566)
- FixedConfiguration: Fixed issue where Retrospect hung backups during export (#8454)
- FixedConfiguration: Fixed issue where corrupted configuration file would cause engine to not start (#8556)
- FixedRebuild: Fixed issue where operation scanned folders outside of the set (#8555)
- NewLinux Client: Added AES-256 link encryption to match Windows client and Mac client
- ImprovedWindows Client: simplified installer for Automatic Onboarding
Windows – 03 March, 2020
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
Management Console
- NewDashboard displays status for backup engines
- NewAutomatic Onboarding for Servers and Endpoints
- NewAutomatic Onboarding for Retrospect Backup engines
- NewAutomatic Onboarding for Retrospect Virtual
- newOnboarding: Option to send public key to Management Console automatically
- FixedDashboard: Fixed Spanish localization error (#8479)
- NewAutomatic Onboarding with Retrospect Management Console
- NewNexsan E-Series/Unity Certification
- New10x Faster ProactiveAI
- NewRestore Preflight
- ImprovedInstallation: Installer has been simplified to "Install Retrospect.exe"
- ImprovedClient Discovery: Support for per-minute polling
- FixedConfiguration Management: Fixed issue with importing certain subvolumes from configs.xml (#7848)
- FixedAutomatic Updates: Fixed issue where client update process incorrectly reports as failed with error -562 (network connection reset by peer) (#7957)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed UI issue for backing up more than one source and -843 log issues (#7951)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with skipping to a new member for cloud members (#8204)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with backing up to a storage group that is being rebuilt (#7959)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with large rebuilds of storage groups reporting a missing sub-catalog (#8063)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed -843 error during snapshot transfer (#8124)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with multiple write access to the same catalog file (#8373)
- FixedLogging: Correctly map Windows error 1630 to "Data of this type is not supported" (#7993)
- FixedNAS: Fixed issue with displaying a mounted share twice under My Network Places (#8269)
- FixedNAS: Fixed issue with adding a NAS share in Backup Sets > Member > Add (#8421)
- FixedNAS: Fixed issue where certain shares not displayed if not mounted through Retrospect (#8503)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where backup will ask for media after member size has been increased (#8282)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where certain local cloud rebuilds failed (#8423)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue where Dropbox performance was slower than expected (#8458)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue with AWS S3 API signature v2 support (#8520)
- FixedEmail Backup: Fixed issue where files chosen showed incorrect value for what is being overwritten (#8298)
- FixedBackup: Fixed crash for names that contain specifier characters such as %T (#8379)
- FixedTransfer: Fixed issue where transfer backup set transferred more snapshots than required (#8404)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed issue where groom failure could cause catalog errors after a rebuild (#8457)
- FixedWindows Client: Fixed issue where client did not start if no network connection detected at launch (#8455)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue where non-English Windows engine showed main Catalina volume as empty (#8415)
Windows – 02 December, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedManagement Console Integration: Fixed issue where customers with many old backup sets are not able to use site (#8336)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed issues with large-scale restores from Gmail to Office 365 (#8280)
- FixedNAS Support: Fixed issue where share comes back after forgetting and relaunching Retrospect (#8309)
- FixedDaylight Saving Time: Fixed issue for DST on ReFS and HyperFS where Retrospect performed a full backup after the time change (#8352)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue for non-UEFI systems backing up system state (#8329)
- FixedCross-Platform: Fixed issue with migrating a Mac disk backup set to Windows (#8330)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed crash for client volumes with names longer than 27 characters (#8322)
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed crash for clients using GLIBC less than 2.14 (#8317)
Windows – 16 October, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
Management Console
- FixedSources: Added icon for Exchange databases (#8261)
- FixedSources: Added icon for emailaccounts (#8266)
- FixedSources: Fixed issue with how Linux volume is displayed (#8262)
- FixedScripts: Correctly identify destinations are storage groups (#8267)
- FixedDashboard: Fixed incorrect grouping for backup sets under "Storage Predictions" in an organization (#8259)
- FixedDashboard: Names with ellipses display entire name with hover (#8260)
- NewWindows 10 November 2019 Update certification
- FixedSources: Improved performance for adding a large number of existing NAS shares (#8285)
- FixedSources: Fixed issue where Retrospect shows the same mounted share twice (#8276)
- FixedNetworking: Retrospect now honors service priority when choosing a default interface (#7058)
- FixedBackup Sets: Fixed issue where user could not relocate a moved disk backup set (#8281)
- NewWindows Client: Windows 10 November 2019 Update certification
Windows – 01 October, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
Management Console
- NewRedesigned interface for larger environments - See details
- NewNew Scripts View
- NewNew Sources View
- NewNew Backup Sets View
- NewNew Activities View
- NewAbility to create and edit scripts on a specific engine
- NewAbility to create and edit backup sets for disk, NAS, and cloud on a specific engine
- NewCloud certification for Backblaze B2 EU Data Center
- ImprovedImproved NAS support with auto-adding existing NAS share mounts
- ImprovedRetrospect Solo supports NAS volumes
- ImprovedSupport for 4 million folders on a single volume
- FixedExchange/SQL: Containers and databases no longer disappear from Volumes list after repeated relaunches (#8056)
- FixedNAS Support: Fixed issue where "Copy only missing files" still copied files with certain attributes (#5354)
- FixedStorage Groups: Support forgetting sub-catalogs (#8035)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where backup went to incorrect sub-catalog in rare instances (#7791)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where media verification did not work properly in certain situations (#8100)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with matching in backup set transfer and snapshot transfer scripts (#8131)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where master catalog was not correct after rebuild of multiple members (#8146)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue for rebuilding cloud sets with multiple members (#8168)
- FixedScript: Fixed issue where customer could not add snapshot to snapshot transfer script (#8105)
- FixedDuplicate: Fixed issue where Retrospect would crash in rare instances (#8208)
- FixedCloud Backup: Enable retry mechanism when getting network error during upload to Backblaze B2 (#8130)
- FixedCloud Backup: Retrospect now asks where to save catalog when rebuilding a cloud set (#8216)
- FixedEmail Backup: Fixed issue for restoring more email than expected after a previous restore (#8176)
- NewMac: Apple macOS Catalina support (pending final release) - See details
- FixedLinux: Resolved error "fetFileSpec: ExtAttrGetData (error 61)" during client backup, no client update required (#8112)
- FixedMac: Fixed issue where scan of files or folders with long non-English names resulted in incomplete scan (#8134)
- FixedMac: Fixed issue where client's saved IP address not displayed properly in log as "saved ip address is" (#8132)
Windows – 28 May, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed crash during certain UI workflows for backup set transfer (#8117)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with configuration import for Storage Groups (#8126)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed logging issue where Storage Groups added many entries for "reserve failed; error -843 (resource is in use by another operation)" (#8122)
Windows – 20 May, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed rare issue where certain backups are incomplete (#8102)
Windows – 14 May, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewWindows 10 May 2019 Update certification
- NewRetrospect Management Console: Pause/Unpause/Stop support
- NewRetrospect Management Console: Versions, Editions, Platforms listed
- ImprovedRetrospect Management Console: Disable deployment for an existing shared script
- ImprovedEmail Notifications: stopped scripts now generate email with title "Execution stopped by operator - Retrospect"
- FixedDisaster Recovery: Fixed issue where DR with USB flash drive could fail silently (#8076)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with importing XML configuration with Storage Group (#7973)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where rebuild failed silently with improperly named catalogs with "number dash" (#8080)
- FixedBackup Set Transfer: Fixed issue where transfer across media with errors resulted in incorrect restores (#8085)
- FixedBackup Sets: Fixed issue where "Skip this member" option was ignored (#8087)
- FixedSQL: Fixed issue where Retrospect crashed when backing up two SQL instances on the same server simultaneously (#8089)
- FixedScanning: Fixed issue on Windows 10 for "Error -1103 Write Protected" under OneDrive folder (#7432)
- NewWindows Client: Windows 10 May 2019 Update certification
Windows – 11 April, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedManagement Console: Fixed issue where "Deployed On" was not getting the correct date from the engine (#8012)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where media request would show up incorrectly due to "Use At Most" logic error (#8012)
- FixedStorage Groups: Grooming is not automatically running when a set runs out of space (#8052)
- FixedPreferences: Fixed issue where Help menu would not open URL in default browser (#8013)
- FixedRebuild: Fixed issue where disk set rebuild would leak file handles and eventually run out (#8029)
- FixedRebuild: Now permitted to run when program is deferred (#8032)
- FixedGrooming: Removed incorrect options for actions (#8061)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where sources are left in an incorrect state during ProactiveAI backup (#8064)
Windows – 28 March, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedStorage Groups: Backup of offline client results in correct error message (#7923)
- FixedStorage Groups: Manual recycle now logs master catalog name (#7938)
- FixedStorage Groups: ProactiveAI now correctly uses Wake-On-LAN (WOL) packets (#8005)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue for rebuilding a disk set with multiple members in the same directory (#8019)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where rebuild did not preserve grooming settings (#7994)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed rare crash for arc.cpp-2490 during thorough catalog rebuild (#7978)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue where sub-catalogs were being orphaned on startup (#7990)
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed issue where source selection would change (#7976)
- FixedClient Autoupdate: process waits for all operations on a client to complete before starting (#7953)
- FixedSQL: Fixed rare crash during backup of databases (#8027)
- FixedSQL and Exchange: Client backups now allow longer timeout value than the default via an INI option (#7722)
- FixedTape: Fixed issue where creating multiple sets in the wizard only showed final set in window (#7974)
- FixedTape: Fixed crash in Find Files with v7.7. catalog (#7982)
- FixedBackup Sets: Fixed issue where backup wizard gave error 0 when trying to save to a share (#7996)
- FixedBackup Sets: Fixed issue where rebuild did not work for certain sets (#8011)
- FixedLogging: Added missing localizations for certain log messages (#8009)
- ImprovedWindows: retroclient.exe -params outputs to stdout
Windows – 05 March, 2019
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewRetrospect Management Console - See details
- NewStorage Groups - See details
- NewDeployment Tools - See details
- NewSupport for Exchange 2019
- NewSupport for SQL Server 2019 (CTP 2)
- NewCloud Protection: certification for MCT
- NewCloud Protection: certification for IONOS
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Orange Cloud for Business
- FixedEmail Reporting: Fixed issue with very large environments (#7698)
- FixedEmail Reporting: Fixed issue where email accounts were not included (#7723)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed rare crash during backup (#7822)
- FixedEmail Protection: Tree view no longer display incorrect dates if "Date" field not found in message (#7759)
- FixedDevices: Added "bus:targetID:LUN" numbers to logging (#7717)
- FixedExecution: Fixed issue where execution unit maximum could not be lowered (#7317)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue with "-802: Sorry, can't save configuration during backup" (#7845)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed issue with "Error -692 (mismatched persistent data) log entires" (#7860)
- ImprovedMac: Client scanning faster on APFS volumes
- FixedMac: Client uninstaller now removes /var/tmp/retro_ip (#7758)
- AlertMac: EOL notice for Apple Mac OS X 10.3. 10.4, and 10.5 - See details
Windows – 29 November, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue where remote backup failed if client added by name (#7705)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue where remote backup connection was incorrectly closed (#7735)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue where Retrospect would not time out when searching for a remote backup client (#7748)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed rare crash for certain scenarios (#7740)
- FixedExchange and SQL backups now have longer timeout (#7722)
- FixedBackup: Fixed assert for rare scenario (#7741)
- FixedBackup: Fixed issue where scripts hung due to Management Console integration (#7753)
- NewNew Client API for on/off state
- NewLinux Client: System Certification for CentOS 7.5
- ImprovedWindows: Command-line interface now supports "retroclient.exe -parms" command
Windows – 16 October, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewManagement Console Beta Integration - See details
- NewSystem Certification for Microsoft Windows 10 October 2018 Update
- NewEmail Protection for IceWarp - See details
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed issue where Retrospect compared messages in wrong folders when duplicating entire volume (#7453)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed restore issue to a subvolume on a Dovecot server causing error "Mailbox doesn't exist" (#7524)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed restore of Gmail account resulting in error "can't write, error -8260 (MIME data is not valid)" for many files (#7536)
- FixedEmail Protection: Reduced time for restoring emails with multiple Gmail labels (#7654)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed restore for .eml files to Windows volumes generating "File appears incomplete" errors (#7669)
- FixedTape Support: Fixed crash when scanning mail slot of Overland Neo T24 library (#7613)
- FixedConfiguration Management: Fixed errors with importing localized configurations (#7638)
- FixedConfiguration Management: Importing over active configuration no longer results in duplicate volumes (#7639)
- FixedStorage Groups: Support for email backup (#7618)
- FixedStorage Groups: Support for Add/Locate after it has been forgotten (#7645)
- FixedStorage Groups: Support for adding and removing members (#7602)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed issue with using paths above 60 characters for destinations (#7658)
- FixedStorage Groups: Fixed UI issue for backup set folders (#7634)
- FixedSubscriptions: Switching to permanent license now removes subscription status (#7609)
- FixedIn-App ASM: Expiration date should be fetched from licensing server immediately when entered (#7604)
- FixedIn-App ASM: Fixed descriptions for certain ASM license codes (#7687)
- FixedIn-App ASM: Fixed issue with trials expiring based on ASM expiration date of previous license (#7663)
- FixedIn-App ASM: Fixed issue where customer would get expiration alert when entering valid ASM license (#7665)
- FixedLogging: Moved "NetAddrTop::NetRemember: Duplicate name error" to default log level (#7633)
- FixedLocalization: Fixed Spanish wording for "using custom selector" log entry (#7629)
- FixedLicensing: Fixed issue where user could add multiple application licenses (#7652)
- FixedMojave: Fixed localization for operations log error when Retrospect lacks Mojave Full Disk Access on client (#7631)
- ImprovedImproved Support for macOS Mojave
- FixedBMR: Fixed issue for "300 seconds with no data received; force timeout error" (#7678)
- FixedMac: Installer updated to support Mojave features when installed under 10.8+ to handle OS upgrade after Retrospect upgrade (#7677)
Windows – 04 September, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewManagement Console Beta - See details
- NewStorage Groups Preview - See details
- NewEmail Global Deduplication - See details
- NewEmail Local Restore - See details
- NewEmail Protection for Dovecot - See details
- NewSystem Certification for Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- NewSystem Certification for Apple macOS Mojave 10.14
- NewSystem Certification for Ubuntu 17.10, 18.04
- NewSystem Certification for CentOS 7 Update 4, Update 5
- NewSystem Certification for RHEL 7 Update 4, Update 5
- NewSystem Certification for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP 3
- NewLTO-8 "Type M" Certification
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed "error -8,254 (file not found)" issue (#7474)
- FixedConfiguration Import: Fixed issue with importing client sources (#7493)
- FixedCloud Backup: Fixed "error -1017, expired_auth_token: expired authorization token"
- FixedProactiveAI: Fixed -505 error when two ProactiveAI scripts tried to access the same source at the same time (#7555)
- FixedSQL: Fixed hang during "Updating Catalog" when backing up a SQL database that has FILESTREAM enabled for it (#6742)
- FixedExchange: Fixed issue when backing up Exchange databases where the database and log files are on different mount points (#7429)
- FixedEmail Notifications: Server now defaults to port 587 (#7458)
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed issue with getting the default IP address for a remote backup listener (#7470)
- FixedSnapshot: Allowed multiple snapshots to be selected for deletion (#7477)
- FixedGrooming: Fixed log entry for "Optimizing for performance skipped grooming" to use correct file count (#7503)
- FixedLogging: Increased log level for "soccCallback: kNetSelectorConnect" error to reduce noise (#7480)
- FixedRebuild: Fixed rare crash during a rebuild (#7506)
- FixedTape Backup: Fixed issue with tape recognition when device assigned to 0:0:0 (#7548)
- FixedLogging: Fixed crash where log could not write filename with "%" (#7473)
- FixedLogging: Moved packet dump to log level 6 for cleaner logs (#7492)
Windows – 13 June, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedFixed issue for Windows April 2018 Update where -1103 errors for OneDrive folder prevented system state backup (#7445)
- FixedFixed cosmetic logging issue for Microsoft SQL using Retrospect configuration import (#7484)
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed issue with upgrading from v15.0 client (#7485)
- NoteWindows Customers: If you are using OneDrive and would like to perform a bare metal recovery (BMR) on a Windows April 2018 Update system, you need to uncheck the option for "Files On-Demand" during backup. Otherwise, the restore will put a blank folder for your OneDrive data, and that empty folder will be synced to the cloud, erasing any cloud files you may have.
Windows – 23 May, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedFixed issue where engine would crash after upgrade when running scheduled grooming script with no selector specified (#7465)
- FixedFixed issue where execution would fail for running immediate grooming script with no selector specified (#7467)
Windows – 17 May, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewEmail Migration: Direct Migration using Duplicate Scripts
- NewEmail Protection: "Restore Entire" option now supported
- NewCloud Protection: path-based S3 API support with v4 signatures
- NewCloud Protection: certification for PCExtreme
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Amazon S3 Canada and One-Region Tier
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Google Cloud Storage Montreal, Netherlands, Mumbai Regions
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Aquaray
- NewCloud Protection: certification for Cynnyspace
- NewCloud Protection: certification for on-premise OpenIO
- NewCloud Protection: certification for on-premise SwiftStack
- NewCloud Protection: certification for on-premise Minio including on Synology and QNAP NAS devices
- NewCloud Protection: certification for on-premise including on Synology and QNAP NAS devices
- NewData Retention Policies: file selector support for grooming for GDPR compliance
- NewSupport for Alto DiskArchive storage devices
- NewSupport for Windows Spring 2018 Update
- ImprovedRemote Backup: Engine restart no longer required to enable feature after creating public keys
- ImprovedRemote Backup: Client now identifies new server.txt and public key without restart
- ImprovedImproved Network Performance for In-App ASM notifications - See details
- ImprovedAutoupdates now use secure HTTPS URLs
- ImprovedLogging: selector name now logged with files selected out of total with every script execution if not default
- FixedRemote Backup: Fixed localized text for error message when "Remote Backup" folder was missing (#7314)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed a number of localizations (#7186)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed "TRYCREATE" issue with Zoho account (#7414)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed "Trouble writing files, error -8255 (file access error)" restore issue (#7294)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed duplicate folder restore issue (#7297)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed backup issue where differences between reported size and actual size caused problems (#7300)
- FixedEmail Protection: non-ASCII Gmail labels now supported (#7336)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed issue with "HEADER" error for Exchange mailboxes (#7339)
- FixedEmail Protection: Mailboxes with non-ASCII names now supported for subvolumes/favorite folders (#7361)
- FixedEmail Protection: Fixed issue with Apple iCloud where scanning didnot complete for some mailboxes (#7371)
- FixedEmail Protection: "Email" container is now selectable as a backup source (#7335)
- FixedEmail Notifications: daily backup report email now uses latest backup date (#7409)
- FixedEmail Notifications: Fixed CSS issue for displaying emails on iPhone Mail (#6875)
- FixedEmail Notifications: Connection now defaults to port 25 when the option "My outgoing server supports SSL" is unchecked (#7363)
- FixedBackupBot: Standardized wording for ProactiveAI (#7308)
- FixedFixed issue where Retrospect states member "is not a member of this backup set" due to creation date (#7315)
- FixedConfiguration Import/Export: Transfer options for transfer snapshot script now included (#5580)
- FixedFixed issue where Retrospect would display an upgrade notification even though customer using latest version (#6834)
- FixedWindows Dashboard was missing Retrospect logo (#7310)
- FixedDisaster Recovery Wizard now shows that UEFI systems require 64-bit recovery solution (#7266)
- FixedDesktop can now reduce its maximum execution units (#7317)
- FixedWindows Client: Fixed Wake-On-Lan (WOL) for upgraded Windows client (#7358)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed localization for Mac client update log error (#7042)
- FixedMac Client: Fixed issue where client did not prevent macOS from going to sleep during backup (#7273)
- FixedLinux Client: Fixed issue where Linux client left retropds.23 process after operation completed (#7387)
- NoteLinux Client: In a future update, Linux clients running on server-level Linux distributions will be treated as server clients
- NoteMac Client: Support End-of-Life Announcement for Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5
Windows – 06 March, 2018
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewEmail Protection - See details
- NewBackupBot - See details
- NewRemote Backup - See details
- NewData Hooks - See details
- NewSupport for LTO-8 tape devices
- NewCertified for Microsoft SQL Server 2017
- ImprovedEmail Notifications: Support for unauthenticated accounts
- ImprovedEmail Notifications: Support for Microsoft Outlook/Hotmail, Exchange and Zoho
- ImprovedCloud Backup: Support for cloud set members exceeding 16 TB
- ImprovedCloud Backup: Support backup to Amazon Snowball and Snowball Edge
- FixedFixed backup issue when Backblaze B2 requires re-authorization" (#7115)
- FixedFixed catalog rebuild issue due to checking Backblaze B2 account authorization too frequently (#7131)
- FixedFixed Dropbox backup issue with intermittent "-1010" API request errors (#7092)
- FixedAllowed catalog rebuild to continue after skipping invalid backup data that causes error -641 (#7177)
- FixedFixed catalog rebuild for backup set that have been moved to a different volume (#7127)
- FixedFixed issue with media request timeout setting not taking effect (#7070)
- FixedFixed incorrect log message for adding a member to a disk set (#6964)
- FixedChanged defaults for "Wake-on-LAN" option: disabled for proactive backup and enabled for other scripts (#7237)
- NewLinux client installer supports multiple public keys
- FixedFixed Linux client installer errors on Ubuntu and Debian (#7199)
- NoteIn a future update, Linux clients running on server-level Linux distributions will be treated as server clients
Windows – 13 November, 2017
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedFixed issue with cloud backup where Retrospect does not automatically handle route forwarding for Amazon S3 buckets outside the default region (#7064)
Windows – 07 November, 2017
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewCloud storage support for DigitalOcean Spaces
- NewCloud storage support for Aufiero Informatica
- NewCloud storage support for Google Cloud Storage Frankfurt and São Paulo
- NewSupport for concurrent backups from different subvolumes of the same source
- NewCustomizable HTML email template - See details
- ImprovedDaily backup report enhancements for large-scale environments
- ImprovedImproved error reporting for better notifications - See details
- FixedFixed hang during backup when zero-byte RDB files cause error "Can't write to file, error -1023 (already exists)" (#6936)
- FixedFixed networking issue with finding client after Retrospect's default network interface IP changed (#7022)
- FixedFixed engine crash during certain storage-optimized groom operations (#6939)
- FixedFixed engine crash in storage-optimized groom due to invalid info in catalog (#6976)
- FixedFixed UI issue where cloud backup progress text was incorrect (#6986)
- FixedFixed logging information for Backblaze B2 backups to log relevant information at default log level (#6992)
- FixedFixed email using SSL to use port 465 by default (#7008)
- FixedFixed notification in Dashboard application when launched with engine running in the background (#7017)
- FixedFixed UI issue with rebuild for Backblaze B2 backup sets using bucketName/subPath (#6996)
- FixedImproved resiliency of client backup during long operations against error -519 (#6938)
- FixedImproved CPU efficiency of certain Mac client operations (#6961)
- FixedRetrospect now excludes Mac client's APFS swap volume ("VM") under Volumes (#6998)
- FixedCorrected text for Mac client RCU updates (as they do not require an adminstrator to be logged in) (#6812)
- FixedUpdated versions in Mac client installer receipt for mass headless deployment (#6476)
- FixedFixed Mac client network issue for MacBook Pro with Touch Bar (#6934)
Windows – 05 September, 2017
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for MySQL database protection via script hook - See details
- NewSupport for PostgreSQL database protection via script hook - See details
- NewSupport for MongoDB database protection via script hook - See details
- NewDaily backup report email - See details
- NewCloud storage support for Wasabi
- NewSystem Certification for Microsoft Windows Fall Creators Update
- ImprovedRetrospect Dashboard has a new icon to differentiate it from the Retrospect application
- ImprovedRetrospect Dashboard launches when Retrospect is already running in Session 0 and includes explanatory message
- ImprovedRetrospect Dashboard's "Relaunch Retrospect" button displays an alert message when there is an execution running
- ImprovedRetrospect Dashboard includes improved media request text
- FixedFixed issue with Configuration Import where SQL and Exchange containers were grayed out (#5500)
- FixedFixed issue with Configuration Import where Retrospect does not import multiple scripts with different SQL options correctly (#6864)
- FixedFixed issue with Configuration Import where imported licenses incorrectly listed as unused (#6806)
- FixedFixed issue with Configuration Import where long names or certain characters led to application crash (#6852)
- FixedFixed issue with Configuration Import where execution units were not set correctly (#6822)
- FixedRetrospect no longer opens in reduced window after being run in Session 0 (#6853)
- FixedSet GatherWriterMetadata's default wait time based on Open Files' Retry timeout option (#6672)
- FixedFixed rebuild issue where certain block-level incremental backups (BLIB) are incorrectly excluded from catalog (#6767)
- FixedFixed issue where Engine hangs while consuming 100% of a CPU core during certain operations (#6821)
- FixedFixed log message for "Error Scanning Network, error -1001" when scanning Microsoft Windows Network (#6823)
- FixedFixed crashes related to scalable data protection (#6826, #6831)
- FixedAdded error for block-level incremental backup (BLIB) restore where Retrospect fails to find base file (#6850)
- FixedFixed issue with block-level incremental backup (BLIB) where restore fails for read-only files (#6851)
- FixedFixed error message where an S3 cloud set rebuild fails with disk set error (#6895)
- NewSystem Certification for Apple macOS High Sierra with Apple File System (APFS) - See details
- NewSystem Certification for Ubuntu Linux 15, 16, and 17
- NewSystem Certification for RHEL 7 Update 3
- NewSystem Certification for CentOS Linux 7 Update 3
- NewSystem Certification for Suse Linux 11.4 and 12.2
- NewSystem Certification for Debian Linux 8 and 9
- FixedFixed workflow for restoring backup from client where the set is in a folder (#6792)
- FixedFixed client workflow for restoring backup from client where the set is in a folder (#6792, 6909)
- FixedFixed Mac client restore issue where suid bit for file and folder was not set correctly (#6837)
- FixedFixed Mac client issue where client's History tab failed to populate after engine had been restarted (#6915)
- FixedFixed Mac client issue that prevented script hooks from being executed (#6798)
Windows – 06 June, 2017
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSupport for Microsoft Windows Creators Update
- Improved50% faster cloud backup for Internet connection above 250 Mbps
- ImprovedIncreased performance of configuration import
- ImprovedAnnual Support and Maintenance information integrated into product
- FixedFixed issue with Slack integration where the status incorrectly showed "0 files" (#6754)
- FixedFixed rebuild issue that led to files being listed twice in backup session and not restorable (#6756)
- FixedFixed groom issue that could cause restore problem if thorough rebuild hasn't been performed prior to groom (#6737)
- FixedFixed storage-optimized groom issue that cause restore problem in some cases for block-level incremental backups (#6701)
- FixedFixed uncommon case of fast rebuild misreporting block-level incremental backup chains as broken and not restorable (#6668)
- FixedFixed -1101 errors when saving fast rebuild (.session) files to backup sets on network volume with similar name as other network volume (#6720)
- FixedFixed UI issue related to seeding for Backblaze B2 backup sets (#6697)
- FixedConfiguration import now properly handles scripts and clients in folders (#6486)
- FixedFixed configuration import issue where scripts, folders, and clients share the same name (#6489)
- FixedFixed Exchange issue where backup fails when database resides on a mount point (#6498)
- FixedFixed assert in an uncommon case when saving fast rebuild cache file (#6694)
- FixedFixed assert after rare file IO error (#6732)
- FixedFixed rare crash when Retrospect set to back up file security information but not folder security information (#6813)
- FixedFixed rare crash when accessing Windows volume information in Retrospect's configuration (#6667)
- FixedFixed misreported "error segment data" for multi-member backup set (#6725)
- FixedFixed Mac client hooks for external scripting with event handlers (#6750)
- FixedImproved logging for multicast IP addresses (#6693)
- FixedFixed Windows client issue where the client logs -1101 errors then terminates (#6740)
Windows – 07 March, 2017
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewScalable Data Protection
- NewCloud storage support for Backblaze B2
- NewMonitoring System Integration
- NewSupport for Avid
- NewSupport for LTFS
- newSupport for Quantum Scalar i3-i6 Tape Libraries
- ImprovedScript Hooks
- ImprovedPerformance improvement during backup and restore for computers with more than 500,000 folders
- ImprovedCustomers with expiring trial licenses now receive an email
- ImprovedOperations log now includes storage savings statistics for block level incremental backup (BLIB)
- ImprovedOperations log now supports up to 999MB
- FixedThorough Catalog Rebuild now correctly deletes previous .session files (#6598)
- FixedFixed issue in backp report where throughput is zero (#5619)
- FixedClarified error for backup set format inconsistency (#5627)
- FixedFixed Spanish localization error for grooming options (#6555)
- FixedClarified prompt for expiring annual support and maintenence or ASM (#5333)
- FixedGrooming policy now correctly saved to backup set to preserve with rebuild (#6549)
- FixedFixed issue with manual language selection via retro.ini (#6529)
- FixedFixed issue with polling intervals for Exchange via retro.ini (#6589)
- FixedMapiProxyServerName can now be customized in retro.ini's [Options] section for Exchange mailbox backup
- FixedFixed issue with cloud backup sets seeing a media request after grooming (#6583)
- FixedGrooming now automatically runs during a backup when cloud backup set is full (#6280)
- FixedFixed "Scanning incomplete, error -645" error (#6531)
- FixedRecycling a backup set correctly removes all existing RDB files (#6213)
- FixedFixed issue where auto-cleaning request for tape devices was ignored (#6171)
- FixedFixed Dropbox backup error -1010 by automatically retrying upload (#6524)
- FixedResolved crashes related to memory issues on Windows 10 (#6456)
- FixedImproved media verification for block level incremental backup (BLIB) and Thorough Catalog Rebuild to exclude backups with related errors (#6464)
- FixedFixed crash during matching for certain instances of grooming (#6568)
- FixedFixed localization issue for "Password" setting in backup set options (#6502)
- FixedExclude DFS Replication's VSS writer during snapshot creation (#6624)
- FixedResolved grooming issue when .session file is manually deleted (#6467)
- FixedFixed issue with importing Retrospect configuration XML with duplicate names for script sources (#6493)
- FixedFile backup and restore errors are now counted as execution errors instead of warnings (#6525)
- FixedFixed repeated error log entries for "Grx::grxSearchForPartialFiles: can not find node path" for grooming (#6614)
- FixedFixed crash when viewing disk set member properties under certain conditions (#6535)
- FixedBackup set transfers with the recycle option enabled no longer log a message saying "Manual recycle" (#6571)
- FixedFixed issue with restoring file name containing the "ð" character (#6573)
- NoteRetrospect no longer supports 32-bit versions of Windows
- FixedMac: Fixed issue where client continued to run after script ended (#5621)
- FixedMac: Clients not found on the network correctly reported as -530 instead of -519 (#6080)
- FixedMac: Client correctly respawns after any crash (#6432)
Windows – 14 September, 2016
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewCloud storage support for Dropbox - See details
- NewServer configuration management - Import and export Retrospect's configuration, including cross-platform support - See details
- NewCertified for Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update
- NewCertified for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (pending final OS release)
- NewCertified for Microsoft Windows Server Core 2008 R2, 2012, 2016 (pending final OS release)
- NewCertified for Microsoft SQL Server 2016
- ImprovedCreate cloud storage locations (buckets) directly within Retrospect instead of using third-party tools
- ImprovedIncreased grooming's maximum number of backups to keep to 999
- ImprovedDramatically reduced storage footprint by up to 90% for backup metadata on media when using compression
- ImprovedAdded cross platform support for using a Mac configuration file with a Windows engine
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for client database containers (#6194)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for database backup history (#5496)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for client and backup set with the same name (#5531)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for Linux clients (#5499)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for Exchange and SQL servers (#5498)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for client network interfaces (#5703)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for script options saying "Provided login information incomplete" (#5528)
- FixedFixed provider.cpp assertion failure when importing configuration in certain cases (#6361)
- FixedFixed issue with configuration import for VMware virtual machines (#6270)
- FixedExcluded compare errors for /Library, ~/Library and /private on Mac clients (#6136)
- FixedFixed issue with block-level incremental backup (BLIB) when two backups have the same timestamp (#6137)
- FixedFixed .session file creation error when backing up to network share (#6110)
- FixedFixed installer for being misidentified by Windows SmartScreen and Windows Defender as unrecognized application or trojan (#6173)
- FixedApply Software Compression option to Microsoft Outlook PST files (#6249)
- FixedFixed issue with fast catalog rebuild where cached data is not correctly updated in some cases (#6303)
- FixedFixed issue with grooming when fast catalog rebuild's cached data is not up-to-date (#6302)
- FixedFixed fast catalog rebuild to handle previously failed groom to prevent data integrity issues (#6161)
- FixedLog location of newly added cloud backup set member (#5956)
- FixedCloud set's free space correctly updated when member's size changes (#6048)
- FixedFixed backup set with multiple members on different network shares (#6183)
- FixedEnabled "Use at most" and "Location for backup data folder" options for disk backup sets on RDX storage (#6294)
- FixedImproved block-level incremental backup (BLIB) performance when large number of files matched prior backups (#6233)
- FixedRetry access to cloud set member up to ten times in case of temporary network errors (#6300)
- FixedRemoved incorrect checkboxes for "Lost member" and "Skip member" in media request dialog for cloud set member (#6077)
- FixedFixed a security issue involving how DLL files are loaded (#6198)
- FixedFixed dependency of differential and log database backups transferred from other backup set (#5216)
- FixedFixed tmemory.cpp assertion failure when memory is low (#6146)
- FixedGroom scripts are now able to select cloud sets for scripted grooming (#6177)
- NewMac: Certified for macOS Sierra (pending final OS release)
- FixedMac: Reduced frequency for the error message "Unable to bind to valid boot port" (#5202)
- FixedFixed a security issue involving how DLL files are loaded (#6198)
Known issues with this release
- Network disconnection during cloud restore results in many -1107 errors.
Windows – 12 April, 2016
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewCloud storage support for Amazon S3 Frankfurt and Amazon S3 Seoul
- NewCloud storage support for Amazon S3 Infrequent Access, Reduced Redundancy, and Glacier - See details
- NewCloud storage support for Google Cloud Storage Durable Reduced Availability and Nearline - See details
- ImprovedSupport for cloud backup with 32-bit Windows
- ImprovedLog now reports what type of grooming is used: storage-optimized or performance-optimized (#6086)
- FixedFixed issue with Mac clients not displaying volumes after logout and login (#6122)
- FixedFixed issue with Exchange and SQL databases not visible after restart (#5574)
- FixedFixed crash when storage becomes full during backup and grooming starts (#6107)
- FixedFixed data issues when a v11 set is groomed in earlier release then rebuilt in v11 again (#6119)
- FixedFixed support for Japanese characters in cloud backup sets (#6064)
- FixedFixed support for non-ASCII characters in cloud backup sets for certain storage providers (#6128)
- FixedFixed UI issue where a cloud backup set's secret key was not hidden (#6123)
- FixedFixed issue where a restore that included block-level incremental backup files displayed a remaining size (#6105)
- FixedFixed issue where clients not found on network incorrectly reported as error -519 instead of -530 (#6080)
- FixedFixed issue with Mac clients where backup process is not correctly cleaned up after completion (#6148)
- FixedFixed Windows client installer hang during certain scenarios on Windows 10 (#6108)
Known issues with this release
- Network disconnection during cloud restore results in many -1107 errors.
Windows – 01 March, 2016
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewCloud backup
- NewPerformance-optimized grooming
- NewFaster Catalog Rebuild
- NewMicrosoft Exchange 2016 Database Certification
- NewDissimilar Hardware Restore now supports Windows 10
- ImprovedBackup and restore performance improvements
- ImprovedBackup sets are now able to be easily moved to another location
- ImprovedNow supports simultaneous access to different sets on the same volume
- ImprovedFaster matching for Windows backup source with lots of root/first level and second level folders
- Improved"Building Snapshot" performance optimizations for Windows backup source with 150,000+ folders
- FixedFixed resiliency issues if Retrospect loses connection to backup set on network share (#5357)
- FixedFixed media request issue if Retrospect loses then regains connection to backup set on network share (#5753)
- FixedFixed hang when Retrospect encounters device error when writing to backup set (#5620)
- FixedReduced snapshot size when backing up a Windows 2012r2 server with data deduplication enabled (#4903)
- FixedFixed missing files when running a transfer script under certain scenarios (#2336)
- FixedFixed hang when Retrospect encounters device error on destination volume (#5628)
- FixedFixed issue where changing Windows language prevented block-level incremental backup on a localized OS (#5700)
- FixedFixed restore issue when large files are moved between block-level incremental backups (#5435)
- FixedFixed grooming issue where log displays "header count invalid" and "make count invalid" (#5400)
- FixedFixed restore issue where log listed "File (Mailbox)\Inbox\: Can't write, Error -1 (Unknown)" for Exchange 2013 mailbox (#5590)
- FixedFixed issue for environments with multiple Exchange servers listing all the databases under each server (#5639)
- FixedFixed cross-platform restore for larges files with block-level incremental backup enabled (#5688)
- FixedFixed "Bad Backup Set Header" errors during certain restores and transfers (#5662)
- ImprovedLinux: added "--silent" switch to client install script
- FixedMac: Menu bar correctly displays immediately after install on OS X El Capitan (#5605)
Known issues with this release
- Cloud backup is not supported for Retrospect Engine on 32-bit Windows at this time.
- Cloud set names do not support non-ASCII characters at this time.
- Amazon S3 Frankfurt and Amazon S3 Seoul are not supported at this time.
- Performance-optimized grooming log reports incorrect number of files groomed out.
- Network disconnection during cloud restore results in many 1107 errors. – 15 September, 2015
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewWindows 10 support
- ImprovedExchange 2013 mailbox backup support where Exchange not on primary domain controller
- FixedFix error reporting for "-3420" and "-3422" errors for Exchange 2013 mailbox backup (#3958)
- FixedFix hang when client disconnects from network at certain phases of an operation (#5502)
- FixedFix license issue where releasing Exchange license fails (#5503)
- FixedLicense Manager correctly lists current support for Exchange: Exchange 2003-2013 (#5523)
- FixedSnapshot properties correctly identifies Windows 8.1 (#5185)
- FixedSnapshot properties correctly identifies Windows 10 (#5535)
- FixedFix encryption issue where encrypted sets were inaccessible under certain conditions (#5541)
- FixedSupport Windows 10 ADK for creating disaster recovery disk (#5581)
- FixedFix hang when restoring more than 65,510 folders to a Windows client (#5564)
- FixedFix crash when restoring system state where VSS writer XML data exceeds 32KB (#5549)
- FixedFix crash when encountering "-559" error during certain phases of Windows client restore (#5567)
- FixedFix autoupdate error for proxy servers where system language is different from product language (#5507)
- NewOS X El Capitan (10.11) support (pending final OS release)
- NewWindows 10 support for clients
- FixedWindows client installer correctly finishes on Windows 10 on all systems (#5584)
- FixedFix issue where Mac client's "Reset password" button didn't update the password under certain conditions (#5538)
- FixedFix Mac client "-559" errors in a number of workflows (#5575)
- FixedLinux client now correctly handles certain file-level errors during full-volume restores (#4818)
- FixedLinux client now correctly handles certain file-level errors during backup (#4998)
- FixedLinux client installer no longer asks for password when using public/private keypairs (#5505)
Known issues with this release
- Dissimilar Hardware Restore is not supported for Windows 10 (#5582) – 09 June, 2015
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedEmail: success emails do not require failure emails be enabled
- ImprovedBuilding snapshot significantly faster for Windows clients in more scenarios
- FixedFixed on-demand issue where non-ASCII Mac client name prevented backup/restore (#3468)
- FixedFixed issue with Backup on Demand for Mac client that prevents backup in certain scenarios (#5482)
- FixedGerman non-ASCII characters displayed in License Manager correctly (#4937)
- FixedFixed UTF-8 issue where certain letters displayed in volume names displayed inconsistently (#5348)
- FixedFixed log export issue where file sizes incorrect for very large files (#5016)
- FixedEvents tab correctly displays all events, not only failed ones (#5121)
- FixedFixed -2242 error in grooming for large sets (#5219)
- FixedFixed corrupted restore of block level incremental backup file when disabling "Restore security information" for Windows volume (#5253)
- FixedFixed memory leak in engine when automatically exporting/importing configuration (#5478)
- FixedFixed tape device issue which prevented dragging tape from drive to library slot (#5283)
- Fixed"Desktop 5-User Upgrade" license now correctly displays (#5372)
- FixedFixed Instant Scan issue preventing engine from using older version of Instant Scan on Mac client (#5432)
- FixedRemoved unsupported "Preferences > Clients > Mac OS" preferences for French, Italian, Japanese (#5492)
- Fixed"Enable Instant Scan" option works consistently for clients (#5379)
- FixedRetrospect remains responsive after licensing Exchange 2010 for large environments (#5444)
- FixedRetrospect lists all Exchange 2010 databases in large environments (#5349)
- FixedFixed a condition that crashes and disables Instant Scan on Windows (#5428)
- FixedFixed an issue where update notification was still displayed after upgrading to the latest version (#5380)
- FixedTreat open file errors (-1020, -1100, -1101 and -1111) as warnings and consolidate in log after twenty entries (#5273)
- FixedFixed -1101 errors for VSS-related "T-32: VssWSetCompResult" file operations (#5342)
- FixedFixed proactive backup issue where new clients not added promptly (#5378)
- FixedFixed issue when transferring snapshots from multiple backup sets where some files aren't transferred correctly if a set member is marked as missing (#5414)
- FixedFixed -516 error when backing up Mac client with private/excluded folders (#5388)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for subnets (#5325)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for security preferences (#5317)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for client volumes and subvolumes (#5316)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for proactive backup schedule (#5321)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for folders and groups (#5270)
- FixedFixed XML configuration import for Exchange and SQL Server (#5271)
- NewLinux client support for Retrospect public/private keypairs
- ImprovedWindows clients support sleep and shutdown after backup
- FixedFixed security issue in client password hash on Mac, Windows, Linux clients (#5469 / CVE-2015-2864) - See details
- FixedMac client bundle correctly signed after first launch using Retrospect public/private keypairs (#5446)
- FixedLinux client clock offset now consistently accurate (#5398)
- FixedWindows clients shouldn't display tape backups in History tab (#5391)
- FixedFixed a condition that crashes and disables Instant Scan on Windows (#5428)
Known issues with this release
- Engine: configs.xml, which replaced Config77.bak for speed and robustness, have several limitations:
- Linux client isn't imported (#5499). Workaround: re-add Linux clients.
- Databased backup history isn't imported (#5496). Workaround: forget and re-add the backup set will re-add the history correctly.
- SQL and Exchange instances may not be imported correctly (#5498/5499).
- May not be able to unlicense an Exchange instance running on the Retrospect server (#5503).
- Windows 10 support:
- Client installer may hang (#5584)
- Disaster recovery does not natively support the Windows 10 ADK. After installing the Windows 10 ADK, customers need to manually navigate to it via the Wizard to create the DR image. (#5581)
- Dissimilar Hardware Restore is not supported (#5582)
- Backup properties list OS as "Windows 8" (#5535) – 21 April, 2015
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedSSL email checkbox now visible in Desktop edition (#5355)
- FixedFix for unrestorable files from snapshot transfer that consolidates multiple BLIB-enabled sets (#5329)
- FixedFix for snapshot transfer failing to transfer all necessary BLIB data under certain conditions (#5296)
- FixedFix for elem.cpp-1131 assert during transfers (#5369)
- FixedCorrected Japanese UI several windows and dialogs (#5368)
- FixedFrench log for building snapshot no longer includes Spanish text (#5374)
Known issues with this release
- Engine: configs.xml, which replaced Config77.bak for speed and robustness, does not import all settings including client volumes and network subnets (#5316) – 17 March, 2015
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedPerformance increases for backup and restore, up to 100% faster - See details
- ImprovedPerformance increases for grooming, up to 200% faster - See details
- ImprovedPerformance increases for snapshot transfer - See details
- NewSQL 2014 support
- NewDashboard hover window for detailed at-a-glance backup information - See details
- ImprovedAllow customer to specify the displayed language, regardless of Region and Language setting - See details
- ImprovedEmail summaries for high-level details - See details
- ImprovedEmail subjects format now "Script name - 2 errors, 3 warnings - Retrospect" for quick evaluation
- ImprovedEmail SSL option makes secure SMTP connection explicit to avoid insecure previous SSL to non-SSL fallback - See details
- ImprovedLog excluded paths (except Client's private files/folders) at Engine level 5
- NewGrooming "Months to keep" setting - See details
- NewInstant Scan checkbox for enabling or disabling service on clients - See details
- FixedPrevent Retrospect server from entering sleep mode during backup (#4080)
- FixedApp remains responsive during catalog rebuild operations (#4540)
- FixedSuppress duplicate error messages during SkyDrive/OneDrive backup (#4696)
- FixedClient Uninstaller MSI properly signed (#4936)
- FixedFix for backing up system file hard links as separate files (#4958)
- FixedFix assert when printing the backup report (#4981)
- FixedHandle "Trouble writing folder (folder path) Error -1124 (Invalid NTFS data)" error during restore (#5034)
- FixedFix for selector incorrectly matching "Public" in folder names (#5067)
- FixedFix for an edge case where grooming a set with BLIB files results in an unrestorable file (#5069)
- FixedFolders named "Retrospect" (aside from disk set folders) are now correctly backed up (#5128)
- FixedFix for ex_idevop.cpp-4720 during restore (#4947)
- FixedFix snapshot name on localized systems where backup method affected matching (#4985)
- FixedFix "-1102" error when restoring Windows 2008 using DR disc (#4164)
- FixedFix for unresponsive app during Exchange database restore when waiting for VSS to finish (#5217)
- FixedFix for periodic unresponsive UI when autosaving very large config DAT file (#5237)
- FixedAdd progress bar and relevant log entries for building snapshot (#5048)
- FixedAdd progress bar and relevant log entries for catalog repair and recreation (#5148)
- FixedAdd progress bar and relevant log entries for restore (#5166)
- FixedReport VSS writer and component (MetaInfo) backup errors on 64-bit Windows client (#4967)
- ImprovedNative 64-bit Linux support - See details
- FixedHandle Japanese backup set names in Windows client (#4046)
- FixedFix for empty History tab on Windows client (#3068)
- FixedSupport for Linux v7.7 clients (#5003)
- FixedFix for backing up Mac client volumes with paths over 1024 characters that could cause incomplete backups (#5139)
- FixedAdding volumes to Privacy pane no longer crashes UI on OS X 10.6 (#5009)
- FixedFix Mac client crash during restore in certain conditions (#4437)
- New"Ignore client discovery" checkbox for preserving Client's address in certain firewall and NAT environments
- FixedFix security issue where password sent in cleartext when engine setting password on passwordless client (#4786)
- FixedBetter handle multi-NIC environments for on-demand client operations (#4875)
- FixedFix hang when client machine disconnected from network during backup (#5054)
- FixedFix "ipsave" switch on Windows client for persistently saving IP address (#5172) – 22 December, 2014
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedBackup set transfer now includes inactive (forgotten) as well as active snapshots (#5083)
- FixedFix grooming issue where in complex scenarios grooming could corrupt files backed up with BLIB (#5085)
- FixedFix grooming and set transfer issue where certain scenarios could restore corrupted versions of files backed up with BLIB (#5086)
Known issues with this release
- Engine: Customers can encounter the following message in the log during grooming: "grxSearchForPartialFiles: unable to find all dependent partial files for 'file_path'". For large files using Block Level Incremental Backup (BLIB), this indicates that older versions of the file have been groomed out by prior Retrospect releases and are no longer restorable (#5085), but the most recent full/base version and the incremental versions based on it are properly preserved. For files not using BLIB, these messages can be safely ignored, including backups from SQL and Exchange add-ons (#5100). – 31 October, 2014
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- ImprovedMac Client: Full support for OS X Yosemite 10.10
- FixedMac Client Instant Scan correctly no longer runs in background after upgrade when disabled (#4978)
- FixedHandles Core Storage Logical Volume disk changes on OS X Yosemite (#5002)
- FixedFix file change scanning when Instant Scan out of date (#4989)
- FixedFix issue where client volumes showed up as local volumes under certain workflows (#4996) – 23 September, 2014
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- FixedFix folder ACLs on EFI client restore with system state (#4909); doesn't affect back up
- FixedFix incomplete 64-bit installation if skipping Instant Scan (#4925)
- FixedFix "osErr 305, error -1001" when restoring to NTFS with short file name disabled (#4072)
- FixedFix Windows Client update "error -1" failures under certain conditions on x86 systems (#4929)
- FixedWindows 8.1 EFI Client's Metro tiles now correctly show up after system state restore (#4724)
- FixedFix wrapper1.cpp-5678 assertion failure during local (non-Client) system state restore (#4941)
- FixedFix backup for Mac Client folder ACLs under certain scenarios (#4922) – 09 September, 2014
- Windows app –
- Windows client –
- Mac client –
- Linux client –
- NewSingle binary and installer for all localizations
- NewSupport for UEFI systems
- FixedEFI ASR Writer failed with "error -1001 (Windows: unknown error)" (#3645)
- FixedDashboard performance improvements for large installations (#4602)
- FixedFix UAC issue launching Dashboard without Retrospect running (#4452)
- FixedDashboard now shows media requests correctly (#4440)
- FixedFix memory Leak with Dashboard (#4633)
- FixedFix client backup error -519 when matching files against backup set (#4534)
- FixedFix error -523 for Block Level Incremental Backup (BLIB) which is unsupported but enabled for Mac client 6.3 (#4632)
- FixedReport errors but continue to groom to free disk space instead of aborting on data errors (#4892)
- FixedDisaster Recovery wizard now shows empty USB drives (#4594)
- FixedDisaster Recovery wizard now shows source or destination during prepare (#4599)
- FixedDisaster Recovery: fix -1 error when creating ISO if WADK is not installed on the C: drive (#4623)
- FixedFix Japanese character display issues in WinPE environment (#4506)
- FixedExclude compressed files (pptx, xlsx, docx, zip) from BLIB (#4515)
- FixedExclude known compressed file types from built-in compression algorithm (#4734)
- FixedReport compression percentage only if BLIB or software compression is enabled (#4669)
- FixedFix -519 client error during BLIB for files with large amount of unmodified blocks (#4601)
- FixedUpdate progress when reading and skipping unmodified file blocks during BLIB (#4208)
- FixedFix Fast Catalog Rebuild for pre-added tape backup set members (#4392)
- FixedFix engine assertion error netcotop.cpp-427 with a client connection (#3666)
- FixedFix engine assertion error dbtrackcon.cpp-375 when doing differential backup. (#4686)
- FixedFix engine assertion error elem.cpp-1148 in certain environments (#4701)
- FixedFix engine assertion error ex_arcopy.cpp-2747 (#4708)
- FixedFix engine assertion error tstring.cpp-2114 (#4883)
- FixedFix engine assertion error xform_dantz.cpp-680 (#4717)
- FixedFix engine assertion error elem.cpp-1131 during backup (#4548)
- FixedFix engine assertion error elem.cpp-1131 during backup of a Linux share (#4621)
- FixedFix engine assertion error pipe.cpp-131 (#4635)
- FixedFix engine assertion error tree.cpp-4411 during media verification (#4636)
- FixedFix engine assertion error tyce.cpp-2842 during transfer (#4637)
- FixedFix engine assertion error glyphco.cpp-2862 when Retrospect runs out of memory (#4670)
- FixedFix engine assertion errors (aCon.cpp-551, ex_arcopy.cpp-2747) during backup transfer (#4664)
- FixedFix engine assertion error soctop.cpp-112 (#4727)
- FixedClosing network connection hang in certain conditions (#4730)
- FixedRemove treefat.cpp-374 log entries during grooming (#4774)
- FixedBlank client password no longer causes -519 communication error with the client (#4175)
- FixedNow able to assign cleaning tape slot at slot 128 and higher (#4627)
- FixedFix hang in some cases during backup after losing client connection (#4660)
- FixedSupport Windows' default web browser setting (#4652)
- FixedAdd device recognition strings for Quantum branded IBM LTO Half-Height tape drives (#4826)
- FixedIgnore swapfile.sys on Windows 8 (#2611)
- FixedFix "-1017" Windows error (#3257)
- FixedFix "-3,050" Windows error when backing up with VSS (#4808)
- NewSingle binary and installer for all localizations
- ImprovedLinux: "Building snapshot..." significantly faster
- ImprovedLinux: add support for recent distros - See details
- FixedFix mac client crashing when restoring meta data (#4723) – 27 March, 2014
- FixedLaunching Retrospect Activity Monitor no longer causes an assert (memutil_win.cpp-159) if the VMware add-on is licensed (#4477)
- FixedBlock level incremental backup was not enabled for VMware volume backups (#4518)
- FixedCompare issue with thorough verify during block level incremental backup of local NTFS files with OBJECT_ID stream (#4497)
- FixedMove more block level incremental backup logging into debug logging (#4494)
- FixedValue pack upgrade license did not include Dissimilar Hardware Restore add-on (#4519)
- FixedRestore issue for file with block level incremental backup enabled on two members with first marked missing (#4552)
- FixedRestore issue from a backup with no file changes transferred set with block level incremental backup enabled (#4357)
- FixedCopy backup script failure with recycle enabled for source and destination (#4570)
- FixedDashboard: "Sources" translation corrected in French (#4567)
- FixedBuilding snapshot no longer hangs when root drive ACL request fails (#4542)
- FixedRestore of the 32nd block level incremental backup of a file fails if it is unchanged since the prior (31st) backup (#4447)
- FixedRestore issue with block level incremental backup set after rebuild (#4572)
- FixedMemory leak during grooming (#4581)
- FixedCosmetic issue in log where it shows negative files for block level incremental backup under certain circumstances (#4508)
- FixedBackup subvolume without open file add-on now correctly reports error on open files (#4509)
- FixedSeveral asserts (elem.cpp-1138, elem.cpp-1145) from transfer scripts (#4573)
- FixedAssert (tyce.cpp-2842) during disaster recovery prep wizard (#4535)
- FixedRestore issue with ACLs on root volume (#4589)
- FixedError "can't read security information, error -1010 (API request bad)" (#4580) – 04 March, 2014
- NewBlock level incremental backup - See details
- NewActivity Monitor shows high-level dashboard
- NewDisaster recovery supports 64-bit OS and drivers, booting from flash media, WADK, Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 R2
- NewDissimilar hardware restore supports 64-bit OS and drivers, Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 R2
- FixedPrevent PC from going into sleep mode during backup and restore (#4080)
- FixedFix engine assertion errors (netcotop.cpp-427, soccon.cpp-491) during network backup (#4018)
- FixedFix engine assertion error (elem.cpp-1145) during updating client (#3648)
- FixedFix engine assertion error (elem.cpp-1131) for corrupt client list (#3992)
- FixedFix engine assertion error when connected with Retrospect Touch for iOS (#2703)
- FixedCopy script to Mac volume didn't reliably set destination folder's creation and modification dates (#4240)
- FixedBetter handling of Japanese client names (#3079)
- FixedDisaster recovery UI hides dissimilar hardware button if not licensed (#3206)
- FixedDisaster recovery UI now shows available size for raw disks (#3220)
- FixedDisaster recovery can create partitions over 450GB in WinPE (#3256)
- ImprovedDisaster recovery disc uses latest version of Retrospect
- FixedShow correct size for backup set members using NTFS mount points (#4113)
- FixedRemove firewall rules for old Retrospect versions (#3669)
- ImprovedASM licenses accepted in License Manager
- FixedFix long wait when cancelling large backup (#4419)
- NewEnhanced email reporting with logs included for easy filtering
- ImprovedConsolidate emails into one email per backup source for Proactive script and one email per script for other script types
- ImprovedSend email notification for each repeated script execution, while still limiting emails for certain warnings to once a day
- ImprovedCompatibility with more SSL e-mail services - See details
- Retrospect Disk-to-Disk is now Retrospect Single Server 5 Workstation, with five workstation clients included.
- Retrospect Professional is now Retrospect Desktop, with no change to its feature set.
- Value packs have been discontinued. Existing value packs are eligible for upgrade, and individual add-ons are available for purchase.
Known issues with this release
- Engine: under some circumstances log shows negative file count for block level incremental backup, even though files are correctly backed up and are restorable (#4508).
- Disaster Recovery: Japanese characters are not displayed properly (#4506). Workaround: copy the file "WinPE-FontSupport-JA-JP" from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\WinPE_OCs" to the folder "C:\Program Files\Retrospect\Retrospect 9.0\drsupp\Packages" before creating the DR boot disc/flash.
- Engine: restoring the 32nd block level incremental backup of a large file fails if it is unchanged since the prior (31st) backup (#4447). Workaround: restore from the 31st backup.
- Engine: if a snapshot contains no new/modified files and the snapshot is transferred, restoring that snapshot from the transfer destination backup set fails (#4357). Workaround: restore from the source backup set or from prior snapshot.
- Retrospect Activity Monitor: doesn't show all recent backups unless media sets have grooming enabled. Workaround: retrieve relevant backups or enable media set grooming.
- Launching Retrospect Activity Monitor causes engine assertion error (memutil_win.cpp-159) if VMware add-on is licensed (#4477).
- Launching Retrospect Activity Monitor without Retrospect running shows "Loading Dashboard" (#4452). Workaround: right-click on Retrospect Activity Monitor and select "Run as Administrator". – 19 September, 2013
- NewSupport Exchange 2013 database and individual mailbox backup/restore
- FixedFix EventID errors 204, 401 and 403 when backing up Exchange 2010 databases (#2325)
- FixedFix error -1004 when backing up Exchange database with file size that is a multiple of 4,294,967,296 (#4024)
- FixedFix missing log entries for Exchange mailbox backup errors (#3624)
- FixedSupport verification of transaction logs regardless of which folder they are in (#3909)
- NewAgent-less restore to Windows VM that is powered off
- FixedFix problems when deleting backups' snapshots if vCenter has 100+ VMs (#3873)
- FixedAvoid previous backups' snapshots from causing current backup to fail or hang (#3900)
- FixedFix error -1104 during immediate VM backup (#3914)
- FixedAvoid error -511 in log if email is sent sucessfully using different methods (#3926)
- FixedCorrectly encode Japanese email regardless of how email is sent (#3998)
- FixedUse consistent subject for email notifications (#3969)
- NewWindows 8.1 ready — Windows 8.1 is fully supported in this version (pending final release).
- NewSupport backup and restore of Server 2012 volume with Data Deduplication enabled
- FixedFix soccon.cpp-491 assertion failure when accessing clients (#4033)
- FixedFix db.cpp-170 assertion failure after upgrading Retrospect (#3945)
- FixedFix certain cases where grooming isn't removing all applicable snapshots (#3949)
- FixedFix elem.cpp-1136 assertion failure for configuration file's corrupted tape drive entries (#3254)
- FixedFix display of Preferences in German version of Retrospect Professional (#3946)
- FixedSupport Japanese folder names in Client Control Panel (#3824)
- FixedFix rare crash on Windows 2012 client with large system state (#4005) – 10 July, 2013
- NewSupport Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2012 in addition to prior Windows Server versions
- ImprovedImprove compatibility with email servers when sending notification email
- ImprovedImprove support for email notifications with multiple recipients separated by space, comma and semicolon
- FixedReduce similar email notifications during 24-hour period (#2122)
- NewNew option to enable/disable "Send e-mail on engine startup or shutdown"
- ImprovedVMware integration — Support selectively backing up individual VM volumes and previewing backup selectors — Simplify data recovery to original locations in VM via Retrospect Client — Support simultaneously backing up different VMs to different backup sets
- ImprovedAutomatically quiesce VM for backup
- FixedAfter backing up an active/busy VM, fix the case where quickly starting another backup of the same VM may fail (#3601)
- ImprovedVMware host and vCenter server can be added by hostname, in addition to IP address
- ImprovedImprove communications with VM host in case of network timeout
- FixedSkip VMs using raw-device mappings (RDM) and proceed (instead of failing) to backup other sources (#3637)
- FixedSimilar to VM backup via VCB, disable backup options that cause unchanged files to be backed up again (#3574)
- ImprovedImprove error message when listing VMs on specified host
- FixedShorten backup time by performing cleanup asynchronously - unmounting VMs and deleting snapshots (#3850)
- FixedFix grooming crash left catalog in corrupted state - error 2241 (#3397)
- FixedCopy script with Mac client now delete source folders if the "Move files" option is selected (#117)
- FixedFix backup of a symbolic link to a hard link used by Windows SBS 2011 and Server 2008 R2 (#3058)
- FixedUpon assertion failure, flush log entries of on-going executions to operation log (#3749)
- FixedFix compatibility with Retrospect Client 9.x running on Mac OS X 10.5 (#3734)
- FixedFix error -3042 during simultaneous open file backups (#3724)
- NewSupport Oracle StorageTek SL 150 Modular Tape Library
- NewAdd device recognition for HP MSL6480 tape library
- ImprovedAdd missing strings for tape drive and library in localized builds
Instant Scan
- FixedFix issue where file/folder deletion disable Instant Scan until system restart but backup still works correctly (#3679) – 19 March, 2013
- NewVMware integration — A new add-on for Retrospect server-level products supports file-based agent-less Backups of VMs In ESX 4 and ESXi 5 environments. For more information, see VMware Host Server Add-on.
- NewUpdated documentation — The Retrospect User’s Guide and help systems have been updated for this release. Documentation is now available online to ensure that they remain up-to-date.
- ImprovedSupport SSL for email notification
- FixedFixed error -3405 during backup of Exchange mailboxes (#2440)
- FixedFixed error -3420 during backup of Exchange mailboxes (#2491)
- FixedFixed Retrospect sluggishness after licensing Exchange w/200+ mailboxes (#2574)
- FixedCheck if .NET 4 is installed before adding Exchange Server Agent (#2678)
- FixedFixed assertion failure at grx.cpp-1076 while grooming or rebuilding catalog (#3022)
- FixedAutomatically ignore Instant Scan data if it is stale (#3066)
- ImprovedInstant Scan now dynamically picks up retro_isa.ini settings changes within 2 minutes
- FixedNo longer reports misleading -1101 errors during Windows backup (#3090)
- FixedAllow safe removal of external drives if Instant Scan isn't busy scanning them (#3107)
- ImprovedInstant Scan can be disabled using Retrospect app or Retrospect Client Preferences UI
- FixedFixed error -1 when building the Emergency Recovery Disc image (#3204)
- FixedFixed Instant Scan assertion failure at elem.cpp-1129 (#3215)
- FixedDR displays correct error message if WAIK 1.1 installed (#3216)
- FixedNo longer reports misleading -1101 errors during Windows backup (#3223)
- FixedThe "StartRetroISA" setting in retro_isa.ini is now persistent (#3227)
- FixedFixed access problem to Retrospect help contents (#3228)
- FixedAutoupdates now work through authenticated proxy servers (#3231)
- FixedRetrospect 8 is now able to access Mac 6.3 clients (#3245)
- FixedAdded "\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution" to the exclude list (#3246)
- FixedFixed "No backup in 40000 days" (#3253)
- FixedDR ISO creation automatically translates accented letters to ANSI (#3424)
- ImprovedImproved the performance of Instant Scan tree updates
- ImprovedChanged disk grooming's maximum number of backups to keep to 250
- NewClient UI now displays ethernet icon when communicating with server
- FixedReduced Instant Scan processor usage when creating initial scans for multiple volumes (#3356)
- Improved"Retrospect Files" rule now includes .RDB files
- FixedFixed error -523 when accessing Client from Retrospect Server (#3569) – 06 November, 2012
- NewInstant Scan Technology — Retrospect now pre-scans NTFS and HFS+ volumes connected to the backup server and Retrospect clients, speeding overall backup and restore operations by removing the lengthy volume scan from backup process. This feature employs the USN change journal (for NTFS volumes) and FSEvents (for HFS+ volumes) to predetermine which files have changed since the last backup to a particular Backup Set.
- NewNew Retrospect Clients — Updated client software for Mac and Windows provides on-demand backup and restore for end-users, AES-256 link encryption, and improved administrator settings to control what features are available to users.
- ImprovedImproved disaster recovery process — The updated disaster recovery process uses the Windows Advanced Installation Kit to create a bootable disc giving more control to the user for adding drivers.
- NewDissimilar Hardware Restore Add-on — The Dissimilar Hardware Restore add-on allows Retrospect to perform a complete restore - including the operating system, applications, and user settings and files - to entirely different hardware.
- NewSupport for cloud storage — Retrospect 8 supports backing up to Internet-connected (cloud) storage using the WebDAV protocol. Before a WebDAV volume can be used in a disk Backup set or as a source for backups, it must first be set up by going to Configure > Volumes, as described in the Retrospect User’s Guide (see “To add a network volume to the volumes database” on page 282). Use http or https when entering the UNC path.
- NewSupport for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 — Both the Retrospect application and the Retrospect Client software support Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
- NewSupport for OS X Mountain Lion — The Retrospect application now supports the Retrospect Client software running on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Server.
- FixedFixed an error-reporting bug regarding -1101 errors with Exchange mailboxes (#1328)
- FixedExecution Units can no longer be increased to 16 on a system with limited RAM (2GB) (#1366)
- FixedMultiple Backup Set members can now be created on the same volume (#2050)
- FixedFixed a bug that caused repeat occurrences of Grooming error -2241 even after catalog rebuilds (#2413)
- ImprovedAdded recognicion for the exFAT filesystem (was previously listed as "unknown")
- ImprovedThe Retrospect Emergency Recovery Disc now supports both static IP and DHCP networking
- FixedFixed a bug where Retrospect would crash when trying to define a subvolume on a Mac client (#2536)
- FixedProperly address the case where Windows 8 reaches maximum Storage Space capacity and disconnects the volume (#2589)
- FixedDisabled Restore security info for matched files if Restore security info option was disabled (#2876)
- FixedFixed a bug where an Erase All command sent to a tape library would result in Erase incomplete (#3088)